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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/260

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206 FIFTY—FIRST CONGRESS. SEss. I. CHS. 640, 641. 1890. such coasts or waters as the Secretary of the Navy shall approve: mm- Provided, That if it shall appear to the satisfaction of the President If prices ¤¤¤w·¤<>¤— of the United States, from the biddings for said contracts, when the §;]§].?¤;®w”°l“ bum same are o ned and examined by him, that said vessels can not be constructedé at a fair cost on or near the coast of the Pacific Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico, he shall authorize the construction of said vessels, or either of them, elsewhere in the United States; and if the Secretary of the Navy shall be unable to contract at reasonable prices for the construction of any of said vessels, then he may build such vessel or vessels in such navy-yards as he may designate. Umm- Bureau or UNDER THE BUREAU OF ORDNANCE. Ordnance. Ar¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- ARMAMENT: Towards the armament and armor of domestic manuv.,;_g3,p_4·,g_ facture, for the vessels authorized by the act of March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-nve; of the vessels authorized by sections vo1.a4,p.2is. one and two of the act of August third, eighteen hundred and eighty six; of the unfinished monitors mentioned in section three of the v¤1.z4,p.21a same act; of the Miantonomoh; of the vessels authorized by the Vol.M,p.594. act approved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty seven; of the vessels authorized by the act a proved September seventh, eightvo1.zs,pp.472,47a een hundred and eighty-eight, ami) of those authorized by the act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and the armament Gunnery musing with modern batteries of a gunnery training ship, two million five '*’*P· hundred thousand dollars. wmnnguxt GUN PLANT, NAVY YARD, WAsn1NeroN, D1srR1c•r or Co1..UM- Completion or gm BIA : For completion of the gun factory, one hundred and forty live Mm- thousand dollars. ¤¤·=¤¤¤.v, Min CoNs·rnUo·r1oN AND STEAM MACHINERY: Towards the construction °°°‘ and completion of the new vessels heretofore and herein authorized by Congress, with their engines, boilers and machinery, and for the spmmmum payment of premiums for increased speed or horse-power under contracts now existing and to be made under this and other acts for increase of the Navy, five million four hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. _ Appmpmmou for Total for increase of the Navy, eight million one hundred and '“°'°““°‘ twenty thousand dollars. Approved, June 30, 1890. June 80.1800. CHAP. 641.-An act making appropriations for the Service of the Post-Office `”‘_°"""""""‘ Department for the Hscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety· one. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 0{ the p£;“r§gl,0“‘fs"*°° °¥* United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the fo low- ' ing sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated for the service of the Post-Oliice Department, in conformity with the act of July second, eighteen hundred and thirty-six as follows: m_;¤¢m¤¤¤¢r-G¤¤- OFFICE OF THE POSTMASTER-GENERAL. mg;c“t0.·g*1;3¤;°;:°¤°*°¤¤· llor mail depredations, and Post-omce inspectors, and fees to ’United States marshals, attorneys, and the necessary incidental expenses connected therewith, two hundred and nfty thousand dollars; Pr<>v·¤¤¤· Prov ided, That five thousand dollars of this sum, or so much thereof Aecoimrs. as may be necessary, may be expended by the Postmaster General in the employment of expert accountants who shall be selected by him without examination in accordance with the laws and rules applicable to the Civil Service Commission, to prepare and submit a p an for a uniform and more complete system of keeping accounts in