FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 641. 1890. 207 Post-offices of the first, second and third classes, so as to insure greater accuracy therein, and to settlements thereof. For advertising, eighteen thousand dollars. Advertising. For miscellaneous items in the office of the Postmaster General, Miscellaneous. one thousand five hundred dollars. OFFICE OF THE FIRST ASSISTANT 1>0sTMASTER GENERAL. mF_éi{;;_.:i}»éIsi?;;¤{tPm For compensation to postmasters, fourteen million dollars. P<>e¤¤¤¤¤=¤*~ For compensation to clerks in post-omces, seven million three oierks in pose, hundred and ninety thousand dollars.°m°°* ‘ For rent, light, and fuel for first and second class post offices, in- mg¤¤*· HSM. wd cluding rent of city post-office at Washington, District of Columbia, whsumgum. and of this sum not exceeding nine hundred dollars ma be paid for rent of a branch post·.ofIice on Capitol Hill in the city of %Vashington, 0¤x>i¤>1Hii1 branch. District of Columbia, six hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars: Provided, That out of the general appropriation for rent, light and P¤’”·*¤>· fuel, for first and second-c ass post-offices, the Postmaster Ceneral may hereafter pay the rent for the branch offices and sub—stations _ Bnmcli cmcos, ew., of the Post office in Washington, District of Columbia. '"W““h"‘g‘°“‘ For rent, light, and fuel to post-omces of the third class, five hundred and seventy-one thousan five hundred dollars: Provided, That Pwvievthere shall not be allowed for the use of any third class plost-office Iimltaticnonthirrt for rent a sum in excess of four hundred dollars, nor more t an Sixty °1°“ °m°°* ' dollars for fuel and lights in any one year. · For miscellaneous and incidental items for first and second class Misceimneeus. poi?-offices, including furniture, one hundred and twenty thousand o ars. For free-delivery service, nine million ninety-four thousand four Free delivery. hundred and eighty-five dollars. For stationery in post-offices, fifty-seven thousand dollars. Swienery. For wrapping twine, eighty-five thousand dollars. Twi¤e,e¤c. For wrapping paper, fifty-eight thousand dollars. For letter ba ances, scales, and test weights, and repairs to same, · eighteen thousand dollars. - Tor st-marking and ratincg stamps, and repairs to same, and ink andxpads for stamping an canoe ing purposes, forty thousand dollars. For packing-boxes, saw dust, paste, and hardware, three thousand dollars. For printing facing slips, card slide labels, blanks, and books of an urgent nature for post-offices of the hrst and second classes, seven thousand dollars. `OFFICE OF THE SECOND ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL. Pmegxmq For inland mail transportation, namglff, inland transportation by migieud ¢r¤¤ep<>r¤· star routes, five million eight hundr and twelve thousand two stir muws. hundred and sixteen dollars and fifty-nve cents. For inland transportation by steam-boat routes, five hundred and swam-ms: mum ‘ twenty-five thousand dollars. _ _ For mail messenger service, one million one hundred thousand Mesenzer eerviee dollars. For mail ba s and mail-bag catchers, two hundred and seventy- ssgsmiammem. five thousand dollars. For mail locks and keys, fifty thousand dollars. mum km For the purpose of enabling the Postmaster-General to rent a building for mail-bag repair shop and lock repair shop, and for fuel, ‘ shops, ac., gas, watchmen, and charwomen, oil and repair of machinery for W "· same, six thousand five hundred dollars. For inland trans rtation by railroad routes, of which a sum not R•i1¤¤•<ir¤¤¤e¢ exceeding thirty tlldusand do lars may be employed to pay freight Fieizim
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