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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/262

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208 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. 011. 641. 1890. on postal-cards stamped envelopes, and stam per from the manufactories to the post·oiHces and depots of cggiirihiition, twenty- one million one hundred and six thousand two hundred and seventy- fivlg dollaliis and sixtygve cents. H H h d d d mmm or ra' waypost-o ce car service, two mi ion ve un re an “‘1¥"‘°""‘f“d d°““”?.;11 1 1... 1 11 1 .1 .1 .1 nmnymmcurn or rai way pos ce c er , veion nine un re an ten thousand dollars. ·¤1>¤¤*¤¤ fwi1*¤¤¤- For necessary and special facilities on trunk lines, two hundred and ninety-five thousand fourhundred and twenty-one dollars and mm. seventy-nine cents: P·ro·vided, That the Postmaster-General may, dnmwswluxmuy wan- in his idisgrietion, withdraw this fpnd, pir any position tlhfgreofé from any ra ro company w en in is Ju gmen e 10 in eres s re%uire it. ’, pu J¤¤¤¤11·¤¤e<>¤s. or miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars. ··rmm Assistant OFFICE or THE THIRD ASSISTANT 1>0sTMAs•1•ER GENERAL. ‘Postm¤·si¤er—General. mmm For manufacture of adhesive postage and special delivery stamps, one hundred and seventy_ three thousand dollars. ¤¤¤·¤·¤¤¤¤- fFor pay of ageplts and (asgisliiaints to distribute stamps, and expenses o agency nme thousand o rs. _,m“°"'*P°‘ °¤'°*°P°•· For manufacture of stamped envelopes, news aper wrap rs, and letter sheets, eight hund and seventy-five tlibusand dollfrs. ¤¤¤'¤>¤¤<>¤· , For pay of agent and tcisdistigbute stamppd envelopes, newspaperwrapers,an e rsee , e- men tho d 510 · an xpense o agency, six ?°*'·**°¤“¤ d ger manufacture of postal·cards, one hundred and eighty thousand o ars. °‘“t‘°“ WK3; .§2“Z.,2E.2?°§§.*;“°.¥.°“..‘”‘°...‘21“ ?°1‘%‘;*‘*‘£.';2°1¥1°i*1t‘.;?”"“* ““" °" , n o 81 un 0 . Omclnl. ew., en- For re tered ka tag, odgcial and dead lette' l “°°"‘ one hundllgd and sirgtceeftliousand dolldrs. r SING OPE, ¤hin¢¤..u.u¤. d Er ship, steam-boat, and way letters, two thousand Eve hundred 0 rs. Prin¤¤¢.ew.,dr¤tf». For enlgraving, printing, and binding drafts and warrants, three thousan five hun red do lars. mmeumwus. For miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars. superrnwuum for OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT or Fo1cm0N MAILS. cignmdln. Tnnmm-umu. For transportatin of foreign mails, seven hundred and twelve thousand dollars; and from this appropriation the Postmaster-General is hereby authorized to expen the sum of forty-eight thousand dgegwéuéjgvm dollars, or so much thereof as may benecessary, to cover one half of rum num steam- the cost of transportation, compensation, and expense of clerks to be ““*" m'" °‘°"*'· gxgiployedzlin pfsdrtangtapd poughmlg mailstm tgansit (gn steam—ships ween e me aesan 0 er sa amini fth . Inperniggial PgstalfUnion. P0 S m was m B nmmmmrmagn or noe ue oreign countries, one hundred and sixty-one °°“'·"""‘ thousand dollars. _ Sec. Q. That if the revenue of the Post-Office Department shall be mggggggm *0 ;DSHmfi;015l»i§O_IH€8iJ the i1.lppropriationsfmad(e; by this act a sun; equal 0 suc _ e ciency o the revenues o said epartment is ereb appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not othe1X wise sgprorgiated, to supply said deficiencies in the revenue of the Post- ce epartment or the year ending June thirtieth. eighteen hundred and ninety-one. Approved, June 30, 1890.