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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/340

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286 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 707. 1890.

  • peach yellows, the California. grape disease, root rot and blight of

_ d cotton, pear bliglgz, the diseasgs of the oraiégle, and pemediesi thergfor. . Lnomronx, IVISION OF mmisriw; emica appara us,c emu?' icals, laboratory fixtures and supplies, purchase of samples and necessary expenses in conducting special investigations, including necessary traveling expenses, labor, and expert work in such inves- _ . tigations, six thousan dollars. _ ‘ _ ,£,¢],:¤igg;;g*°g:g To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to extend and contmue uqmm. ’ the mvestigiztion of the adulteration of food, drugs, and liquors, including the purchase of samples, transportation, traveling ex- · penses, stationery, retéirn postage, printipg and illustratinmhanalyzing, investigating an examinin samp es purc ased on e open nnmseumy ann- market, the sum df ten thousaing dollars, to be made immediately ‘“°· available; and for these purposes the Secretary of Agriculture is Employment cfu- authorized to employ such assistants, clerks, and other persons as

 he may deem necessary: Provided, That the Secretary is hereby

Scpcnwwpvrt {so mplgesdseparate repgrtdgul Congress as tqlwhgn mild whers t e samp es 0 o , iquors, an gs were purc ase , w en an where analyzed, and the result of such analysis, together with the namq of the manufacturer and the brand or label on the package or artic e. r>ivr¤¤o¤¤M¤r•=¤¤·.v- Rnronr p1kFo1;ln1srnr?D1v1s1oN or Fémusrnx: To enablet the Secretaryo gri ture o experiment an continue an inves iganepm, ew. tion and report upon the subject of forestry, and for experiments in the produc ion o rain fall, and for traveling and other necessary

 in the investigation, and the collection and distribution of

uable economic forest-tree seeds and plants, ten thousand dollars. New M ¤¤¤¤¤•· ILLUSTRATIONS AND ENGBAVINGS-Division OF ILLUSTRATIONS “‘i·"P.,;;.,,;,,_ no Euonavmos: Tools, instruments, paper, ink, paints, pencils, and other necessary materials, two thousau dollars. ¤¢•=¤¤M¤<>¤ hl;SURCHASE AND Drsgnmumbqliilor S D{v1s1o;z; Purc e propa ationan` `0n,as requi y aw o s bulbs; trees, sdrubs, vines, cutting , and plants, and expense of labor: transportation, paperhtwine, gpm, ptrénting, posgaé1c;ard)s,tand all necessary materia an re 'rs or pu ing up an `s ri u ingt e ummm same, and to be distributed); localities adapted to their culture, one hundred thoulsland) dollars. An equal pgopprtionsplmwothirdls of all seeds, trees, s ru s, vines, cuttin an p ants u n their reuest be supplied to Senators, Rbpresentatives, and Dglegates in Congress for istribution among their constituents; and the person receiving such seeds shall be requested to inform the Department HMM of results of the experiments therewith: Provzded, That all seeds, plants, and cuttiiégs herein allotted to Senators, Representatives, ‘Seodsu¤¤•uedt<>¤·. and Delegates to onxgress for distribution remaining uncalled for at the en of the fisc year shall be distributed by the Secretary of Agriculture: And promded also, That the Secretary shall report, as provided in this act, the {lace, quantity, and lprice of seeds plur- P¤¤=1¤¤¤¤¤.¤¤¤- chased, and the date of purc ase, but nothing in t IS paragraph s all be construed to prevent the Secretary of Agriculture from sending flower, garden, and other seeds to those w o apply for the same. phd the amount herein lappgopigilated shgll not e ivprted orduged or any o er urpose, ut or e purc ase, propaga 1on, an istribution of imsroved and valuable seeds, bulbs, trees, shrubs, vines cuttings,_ and plants; Provided however, That the Secretary shall Di¤¤r¤b¤ri¤¤ w iw not distribute to any Senator, Representative, or Delegate seeds en- °d"’°°'"‘°l°°‘u°" tirely unfit for the climate and locality he represents, ut shall distribute the sameixso thet leacgiegnembepcmgy lzipvp seelds olf equal value, asnearasmay ,an the ta a - ot e oca `ty erepresents. Pr|¤¤¤¤z.¤¤¤· Printing seed-pockets, labels, plostg-cards, circulars, and so forth, labor, paper, ink, type, and other necessary material for printing and for urchasing and repairing printing presses, nve thousand four hundred dollars.