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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/341

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 707. 1890. 287 DOCUMENT AND FOLDING-ROOM: Paper, gum, twine, and other _ Document and mmnecessary materials, two thousand dollars. '“§{;‘{g,',}‘m_ EXPERIMENTAL GARDEN AND GROUNDS: Labor in experimental Exreemenwgudcu garden and grounds, the care of conservatories, plant and fruit prop- ud g'°°°d°' agating and seed-testing houses, and the keep of the reservation, lawns, trees, roadways, and walks, thirteen thousand ive hundred dollars. Blacksmithing, the purchase of tools, wagons, carts, har- Renew ness, horses, lawn mowers, heating apparatus, and machinery, and the necessary labor and material for repairin the same; the purchase of new and rare kinds of seeds, plants, anx? bulbs for propagating pméposes; expenses of material and labor in labeling an packing plants or distribution and trans ortation; the urchase of necessary pots, tubs, watering cans, and hose; the purclhase of material for the destruction of insects, and other necessa items for the cultivation and improvement of the grounds and alrlzoretum; the purchase of material or making and repairing roads and walks; the purchase of (glass, paints, lumber, tin for roofing and spouting, and hardware, an for carpenters, painters, and all other mechanics, and the necessary material for keeping the conservatories and other structures in good repair, fifteen thousand dollars. MUSEUM: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to completely umm reorganize and systematize the present agricultural museum attached to the Department; for collecting, classifying, and naming cereals; collecting and modeling fruits, vegetables, and other plants; and for labor an material in preparing the same for the museum and other necessary expenses, four thousand dollars. FURNITURE CASES AND REPAIRS: Repairing buildings, heating mimiemumm · apparatus, furniture, carpeting, matting, water and gas-pipe, new ’°P•*¤¤ furniture, and all necessary material an labor for the same, including lumber, hardware, glass, and paints, ten thousand dollars. . LIBRARY: Purchase of necessary books, periodicals, and pa ers, m,,,,.,_ and for expenses incurred in completing imperfect series, three tlhousand dollars. POSTAGE: Postage on return letters, circulars, and miscellaneous mm articles for correspondents and foreign mail, five thousand dollars. CONTINGENT EXPENSES: Stationery, twine, paper, gum, dry (goods, oommgeuupemq soap, brushes, brooms, mats, oils, paints, glass, lumber, har ware, ice, fuel and lights, freight, express charges, advertising, telegraphing, purchasing supfplies, and waslungl towels· the purchase, subsistence, and care o horses; the purc ase and repairs of harness; expenses of sales of old material; actual traveling expenses while on the business of the Department; and other misce laneous supplies and expenses not otherwise provided for, and necessary for the practical and efficient work of the Department, twenty thousand do lars. SALARIES AND EXPENSES, BUREAU or ANIMAL INDUSTRY: For Bureau ot mma earrying out the provisions of the act of May twenty-ninth, eighteen ‘”$*;_*g;P_8L hundre and eighty-four, establishingi the Bureau of Animal lndustry. three hundred and fifty thousand ollars, together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year, eighteen hundred and ninety; and the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to use any part of this sum he ma deem necessary or expedient, and in such manner as he mag think best, to prevent the spread of pleuro-pneumonia and. other iseases of animals, and for this (purpose to employ as many persons as he may deem necessary, an to expend any part of this sum in the purchase . and destruction of diseased or exposed animals, and the quarantine of the same whenever in his judgment It is essential to aprevent the spread of pleuro-pneumonia, or other diseases of anim , from one State into another, and for printing publishing such reports re- mm lating to animal industry as he may direct: Rwzded, That ifteen RWM thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be expended in continuation of the investigations and experiments, to