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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/342

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288 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 707. 1890. ,l¤,'°“*¢•“°¤°' ****8 be conducted within the United States, into the nature, causes, and reimedies for the prevention and cure of hog cholera, and swine a e. 1>¤¤•:¤ of S¤<=r¤•¤’.v P 'ldih authority granted to the Commissioner of Agriculture by the iv?"? act of Ma twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, estab- 23.p- , , Y , . . lishing the Bureau of Ammal Industry, and by the provisions of the apgfopriation act for the Agricultural Department, approved July Vol.25,p.IB8. cig teenth, eighteen hundre and eighty-eight, relating to said Bureau, is hereby vested in the Secretary of Agriculture; and the said Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to perform all the duties named in said acts and all other acts of Congress in force on Febru- _ ary eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, to be performed by the · Commissioner of Agriculture. mQ:g_;g¤‘gi¤tg,c¤¤¤¤¤ QUARANTINE Surious ron N nn CATTLE: To establish and main- ` tain quarantine stations, and to provide proper shelter for and care of neat cattle imported, at such ports as may be deemed necessary, fifteen thousand dollars.

¤*P¤*· Acmcunrunnn Exriunmuur Surroxsz To carry into effect the

ver z4,p.m. provisions of an act approved March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled "An act to establish agricultural experiment stations in connection with the colleges esta lished in the several Vol 12. p·¤°¤ States under provisions of an act approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and of the acts supplementary thereto," six hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars, fifteen thousand dollars of which sum shall be payable upon the order of the Secretary of Agriculture to enable him to carry out the provisions of section three of V¤>L¤¢.p.4¤· said act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven; and the Secretary of Agriculture 18 herebyauthorized to employ such as- P¤¤¤é_¤¤¤¤ of ¤¤· sistants, clerks, and other persons as e may deem necessary, and to ’°"’ · incur such other expenses m traveling, stationery, and office fxtures as he may find essential in carryingout the objects of the above acts,

the sums apportioned to the several States shall be paid quarterly,

m vance. , filggnufwmwwg Exrnmumurs m run Mxuurmcrunm or SUGAR: To enable the min °°"’h`m' Secretary of Agriculture to continue experiments in the dproduction of sugar from` sugar·cane, sugar-beets, and sorghum, an especially for cu ture experiments, looking to the improvement of those sources of sugar, and for ex eriments in the more complete separation of the sugar from the mdlasses, and including all necessary expenses in these experiments, namely, traveling expenses, purchase of sam les, apparatus, and supplies, chemical services, inc uding Eve hundred do lars additional temporary compensation to the chief chemist, and other expenses incidental to the experiments, fifty thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary. ¤=v¤¤j_;;i&¤¤°;¤•¤¤¤=: Experiment Station, Department o Agriculture: To enable the xiii}:. An Secretary of Agriculture to prepare such portions of the Arlin ton estate, not exceeding eighty acres in extent, as may be assigned to him by the Secretary of War, as an experimental Station, and for mmevu no ming- expenses incurred in removing the present experimental station of “’“‘ {Liles Bureau of Animal Industry to said estate, twenty thousand dol- To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to rent a suitable building cnemwanmmry. for the temporary use of the chemical laboratogy, and for Htting up . '°“°·°'°‘ and equipping same, four thousand two hundredollars, which sum ~ shall be immediately available. Approved, July 14, 1890.