FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 724. 1890. 297 remain unpaid at the expiration of two years from the date of service of notice of such assessment, shall be subject to sale therefor under the same conditions and_ penalties as are imposed by existing law for the non-payment of general taxes, and the material purchased under approplriations for permit work shall be bought after due advertisement therefor, as required by existing law. For the paving and curbingbo the roadway of any street in the raving mu mm; District of Columbia, ordered y the District Commissioners, u on '°“°'""'· payment in advance by the owners of abutting roperty of one-h)alf the estimated cost of said work, fifty thousand) dollars: Provided, P·‘°°*•°· That said pavement shall join, abut upon, or connect with, some Limitations - existing pavement, and that the work so done shall be complete for the entire width of roadway, and shall in length be at least one square. IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS. , npI}¤,g:°*¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤ For work on sundry streets and avenues named in A pendix sussesmuayumu, " E e,” Book of Estimates, for the fiscal year eighteen hundlied and $,,-1*}*,1,*;* . ninety-one, Six-hundred and fifty-two thousand two hundred dollars, and to be expended in the discretion of the Commissioners upon streets and avenues specified in the schedules named in said Appendix and u n streets and avenues hereinafter named and in the aggregate fdr each schedule as stated herein, namely; nononrows Scnnnunnz Sixty thousand dollars. Gwmmn. ‘Nom·nwnSr Smcriou Sonnnunnz To include the paving of Thir- Nm-nnwmmuou teenth street from T to Boundary streets; U street from Fourteenth to sixteenth streets; R street from New Hampshire avenue to Twentieth street; D treet from seventeenth to Eighteenth streets; Eighteenth street from D to E streets; T street from Ninth to Tenth streets; N street from Twenty-second to Twenty-fourth streets; and Caroline street; grading and regulating Boundary street from First to Fourth streets, and cutting away the parking and paving New York avenue between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, making a continuous roadway, two hundred and fifty-nine thousand dollars. Sournwnsr SECTION Scnnnunnz Seventy-five thousand dollars. souuma muon Sour1mAs·r Section SCHEDULE: Excepting B street from First to S°“"“°°“’ °°°“°'* Second streets, and to include the grading and regulating of Thirteenth street from D to E streets, one hundred and twenty-one thousand five hundred dollars. Nom·nnAs·r SECTION SCHEDULEDTO include the paving of Third N°*'~¤¤•••••°**°¤· street from F to H streets, and Ninth street from Massachusetts avenue to Maryland avenue, instead of the girading and re lating of same, one hundred and thirty-six thousan seven hundrecfdlollars. That under a propriations contained in this act no contract shall Ijgt E ¤¤¤<=r¤¤¤ be made for malking or repairing concrete or asphalt pavement at a ’° °” higher price than two dollars per square yard for a quality equal to the best laid in the District prior to July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and with same depth of base: Provided, That these con- P¤>·¤¤·<>- ditions as to price and depth of base shall not apply to those streets mgoggcgvb wwon which, in the ju¥ment of the Commissioners o the District, by ' reason of heavy tra c, poor foundation, or other causes, apavement of more than ordinary strength is required, in which case the limit of price may be increased to two dollars and twenty-tive cents per square yar . GRADING STREETS, ALLEYS, AND ROADS: For grading streets, ¤¤di¤z- alle s, and roads not otherwise provided for, at a price not to exceedr ten cents r cubic yard, twenty thousand dollars. ` Rmriims ro FGAVEMENTS: For repairs to concrete pavements with Repaixapsvumnn the same or other not inferior material, one hundred and twenty . thousand dollars, eight thousand dollars of which shall be immediately available for completing the resurfacing of Pennsylvania Avenue from First Street to Seventeenth Street northwest.
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