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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/352

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298 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 724. 1890. "{¤¤¤¢°;¤*'°¥¤¢ . Sunvnrs or run Drsrmorz For completion of the surveys of the ms`District of Columbia with reference to the extension of various avenues to the District line, seven thousand six hundred dollars, of which sum three thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary shall be expended in establishing and permanently markin points cg reference for the extension of streets and avenues throughout the istrict. ¤¤¤¤i*¤<>¤¤¤¤¤v¤ Sonvmrs ON Acoounr or Sunmvisrous or Limp; To pa the expenses of such surveys as may be necessary to enable the Commissioners of the District to determine if plats of subdivisions of . land within the District offered for record have been made in con- V<>¤5·v·¤- formiigy to the "Act to regulate subdivision of land within the District o Columbia," approved August twenty-Seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, five thousand dollars Sewers SEWERS. d {or cleaning and repairing sewers and basins, forty-two thousand o ars. For replacing obstructed sewers, twenty-six thousand dollars. For main an pipe sewers, one hundred and forty thousand dollars, including eng teen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may . be necessary, for dredging James Creek Canal. For suburban sewers, seventy-five thousand dollars. Sew" @**8*- For gauging. sewers and rain-fall, three thousand dollars, Bizm of w¤¥· For con emnation of rights of way for the construction, mainte- — nance, and repairs of pu lic sewers, ten thousand dollars, or so _ much thereof as may be necessary. '1‘es¤¤e¤h<¤1~ FOI' the construction of a brick shed for storing and testing hydraulic cements needed for street and sewer work, two thousan five hundred dollars. / · Srnmmrs. R¤r•l¤.¤r¤¤¤.¤¤= REPAIRS STREETS, AVENUES, AND ALLEYS: For current work of repairs of Streets, avenues, and alleys, forty-nve thousand dollars. B¤P¢l¥9¤l’0Id¤· REPAIRS COUNTY Roans; For current work of repairs of county roads and Suburban streets, Sixty thousand dollars. ¤¤¤¤¤yr¤¤i¤~ CONSTRUCTION or COUNTY RoADS: For construction of county roads and suburban streets, as follows: For paving Nichols avenue from end of pavement toward the foot of hill, seven thousand dollars; ’ For paving Linden street from Boundary to College street tive thousand do lars For paving Maple street from Boundary to Harewood avenue, ten thousand do lars; For paving Larch street from Boundary to Spruce street, tive thousand dollars; ' For paving Fourteenth street from Yale street northward, twelve thousand three hundred and fifty dollars; For pavin Brightwood avenue from Irving Street northward, ten thousand dohars; For grading and regulating Kenesaw and Wallach Streets, seven thousand five hundred dollars; For grading and regulatin Howard avenue from Sixth street to Sevent street, two thousanf dollars; For grading and regulating Lincoln avenue from Boundary to Bunker Hill road, ten thousand dollars; ' For grading and regulating Brightwood avenue from Rock Creek Church road to the District of Co umbia line, ten thousand dollars: MM- had- Provided, That sufficient land be donated on both sides of the rm. p. mc:. avenue to make its width ninety feet;