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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/356

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302 rirrvrinsr coucmzss. snss. 1. cn. 724. 1890. 'i'°°*¤· °°°- For the purchase of tools, machinery, material, and apparatus, to be used in connection with instruction in manual training, ten thousand dollars. Fuel. For fuel, twenty-seven thousand dollars. mn-mum. For furniture in new school buildings, ten thousand dollars. Contingent ex- For .contingent expenses, including furniture, books, stationery, Wm priming, insurance, and other necessary items, twenty-tive thousand o ars. New buildiues vw- For erection and purchase of sites for four eight-room school buildings in the nrst, third, seventh, and eighth school divisions, resipectively, one hundred and nfty-ive thousand dollars, or one new eight-room school building in Anacostia, twenty-five thousand dollars. · For erection of colored high-school building, seventy-nine ‘thousand dollars, in addition to unexpended amount appropriated for vn1.2g;g.s01,¤e¤i> said building and site by act of March second, eighteen hundred and "'°p"" ‘ eighty-nine, which unexpended amount is here y re-appropriated. For inclosing ounds of Arthur school building, three thousand one hundred anglseventy-Eve dollars. For purchase of grounds contiguous to school building on Twelfth street, near R, in sqluare two hundred and seventy-six, for play ounds for said bui ding, six thousand seven hundred and fifty mm._ dbllars: Provided, The total cost of the several and respective sites

 ”° °¥* and buildings herein provided for when completed upon plans and

specincations to be previously made and aplproved, shall_not exceed t e several and respective sums of money erein respectively appro- _priated for such purposes. _

 wake ¤¢- That hereafter the Commissioners shall have all the §owers condon. . ferred on the Secretary of the Treasury and other officers of the

vni :s,p.as·r. \ United States by the act of August first, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, entitled "An act to authorize con emnation of land for sites or Fublic buildings, and for other purposes," for the condemnation o land for sites for school buildings, engine houses, and for police stations, and for the right of way for the construction, main- Pmemm. tenance, and rcipair of public sewers; application for such proceedings shall be led in the supreme court of said District, by the attorney thereof, under such orders as said court may prescribe in such cases. “*”·°°°· That the plans and specifications for each of said buildings, and for all other buildings provided for in this act, shall be prelpared by the inspector of bui dings of the District of Columbia, an shall be alpproved by the Architect of the Ca itol and the Commissioners of t e District, and said buildings shall lhe constructed by the Commissioners in conformity therewith. P°¤¤—*~ “Fon Mmnoronruu Pomcm. For one mvor and superintendent, two thousand seven hundred dollars; one captain, one thousand eight hundred dollars; two lieutenants, inspectors, at one thousand nve hundred dollars eachone chief clerk, who shall also be property clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk, nine hundred dollars; four surgeons for the police and fire departments, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; _or additional compensation for privates detailed for special service in the detection and prevention of crime, one thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; nine lieutenants, at one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars each; thirty sergeants, at one thousand one hundred and fortly dollars each; two undred privates, class one. at nine hundred dollars each; one hundred and sixty-tive privates, class two, at one thousand and eighty dollars each; twenty station keepers, at seven hundred and