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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/355

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. on. 724. 1890. 301 one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk to superintendent of seventh and eighth divisions, eight hundred dollars; messenger to superintendent first six divisions, three hundred dollars; messenger to supermtendent seventh and eighth divisions, two hundred dollars; in al , seven thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. Fon TEACHERS: For teachers, not to exceed seven hundred and '1‘¤¤<=h¤m ninety-nve in number, including teachers of manual training schools, to be employed at a rate of compensation not to exceed the rate rovided .by the present schedule of salaries, and at an average sailary not to exceed six hundred and eighty-nve dollars, five hundred and forty-four thousand five hundred and sevent -five dollars; and no increase in salaries paid to teachers in gradles now receiving one thousand one hundred dollars or more, except in cases of promotion to fill vacancies occurring before or after the passage of this act, and · except in Salaries to principals of normal, manual training, drawing, physical training, and country schools, and no increase in the num- ` er of teachers in any of such grades exclusive of principals of such normal, manual-training, drawing, physical training, and country schools, shall be made, and the minimum compensation shall not be less than at the rate of three hundred dollars per annum, and the names of and actual congpensation paid to each teacher under this provision shall be report to Congress at the beginning of each re u- ar session by the Commissioners: Provided, That in assigning sada- Promo. ries to teachers, no discrimination shall be made between male and No di¤<¤'i¤¤*¤¤·¤¤¤ female teachers employed in the same grade of school, and perform- · ing a like class of duties; and the Commissioners are directed to report to Congress at its next session an estimate of the number of Fstimms. teachers required in each of the grades and classes of the schools in the District, and the amount of salary for each of the teachers in each and all of the grades and classes of the schools in the District for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-two. For teachers of night schools, who may also be teachers in the day mgm sermon schools, six thousand dollars. . For contingent expenses of ni ht schools, six hundred dollars. Fon JANITORS AND CARE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS : For care Jmmm, ew. of the high-school building and annex, two thousand dollars; of · the Jefferson building, one thousand four hundred dollars; of the Stevens building, one thousand one hundred dollars; of the Franklin building, one thousand one hundred dollars; of the Force, Seaton, Henry, Webster, Gales, Peabody Wallach, Garnett, Sumner, Analostan, Curtis, and Dennison bui dings, at nine hundred dollars each; of the Lincoln, Miner, and Mott bui dings, at eight hundred dollars each; of the Abbot, John F. Cook, Ran all, and Berrett buildings, at seven hundred dollars each; of the Amidon, Addison, Cranch, Morse, Brent, Bannaker, Blair, Wormley, Anthony Bowen, Maury, Weightman, Bradle , Blake, Carberry, Giddings, Towers, Magruder, Phelps, Twinin , Symallwood, Adams, J ones,, Arthur, Corcoran, Briggs, Lenox, Tell, McCormick, and ive new buildings, thirty- three in all, at five hundred dollars each; of the Hillsdahéold) Anacostia, Thompson, and Love °oy buildings, at two hundre and fifty dollars each; of the Mount Pleasant, Potomac, Greanleaf, Hamilton Road, Chamberlain, Hi h Street, Hillsdale (new) Bennings (white) Bennings (colored), and Threlkeld buildings, at one hundred and sixty-tive dollars each; for care of smaller buildings and rented rooms, including Cookin schools, at a rate not to exceed forty-eight dollars per annum for l§1G care of each school—roo1n, four thousand one hundred and seventy-six dollars; in all, forty-four thousand eight hundred and twenty-six dollars. _ For rent of school buildings, and repair shop, ten thousand dol- B¤¤*· lars. For repairs and improvements to school buildings and grounds, R¤v•¤¤ twenty two thousand ollars.