FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. OH. 797. 1890. 317 appropriation act approved March second, eighteen hundred and "°l·*‘·P·887· eiglhty-nine. hat contracts shall be invited by the Secretary of War by proper Contracts formanunotice and publication for the manufacture Sfinishing and assembling) fa°“"°’ e°°` of eight-inch, ten-inch, and twelve-inch stee sea-coast guns from for - stan sea-com guns. ings procured under fortification act of September twent second, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, and if private parties shall offer vo1.2s,pp.4se4e>1. to finish, assemble, and iliver any of such guns in roper condition for use as completed guns, at a price fair to the Government, the necessary contracts shall be entered into by the Secretary for that purpose, and to carry into eifect this provision the sum of two hunre thousand dollars is hereby appropriated: Provided, That the nearer. finishing and assembling of not over fifty per centum of each caliber mxsmum per cent of such forgings shall be thus contracted for: Provided lfurthelr, That °“° °f °°"°"`°°S‘ · all contracts made hereunder shall be so made as to fu y rotect the G<>w*;>m¤‘¤£¤¤? tg M • Government against all loss or damage which may result from im- ${3 · gms °°S’ perfect work, the fault of the contractor, and the work done here- Inspection or work. under shall be subject to inspection at every stage. · For steel field- ns of three and two-tenths-inch caliber, twenty- smeinem-guns. ive thousand do£lrs. For breech-loading rifled sea-coast mortars, cast-iron, hooped with Cast·iron mortars. steel, of twelve-inch caliber, four hundred thousand dollars; Pro- Promo. vided, That contracts may be made for not more than one-fourth of mllflgtggmgnm P ¢g;¤· the mortars herein provided for, to be constructed on the Pacific rmt. °° ° coast in the discretion of the Secretary of War. d lgor sights and implements for guns and for fuzes, two thousand Sighcseec. o ars. · For metallic carriages for Held-gun batteries, one hundred and ugtgwicmmezwfvr forty-three thousand one hundred and thirty-five dollars. V gum" For alteration of existing carriages for ten-inch and fifteen—inch _ Alterations or existsmooth-bore guns to adapt them to present service conditions, one f,',§‘,,§°h`b°”° g“” hundred thousand dollars.. For carriages for breech-loading rified mortars of twelve-inch cali- , Omwzes mr cue ber, procured under the fortification act of September twenty second, m{?(,Y`§§°§Y`§’g0_ eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, two hundred. and twenty-five thousand dollars. For powder for lproving sea-coast mortars of twelve-inch caliber, Powder for mmm;. procured under the fortification act of September twenty-second, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, and for testing projectiles, ten thousand dollars. For steel shell or shra nel for field guns, twelve thousand dollars, ,(§;¤,g_;l15*gj:¤;iL¤;a¢¤¤». and for cast-ir n projectiles for field, siege, and sea-coast guns, twently- coast gum.; ‘ ( m` four thousancgfive hundred dollars for issues to the service; in a l, . thirty-six thousand five hundred dollars. FOP O38i}-lI‘OD. pl‘Oj9Ctil8S fOI‘ FI'OVlI1g S08»•CO3SlG II1OI‘b&I'S of twelve- Cast iron pmjectiles inch caliber, procured under the ortiiication act of September twenty- ’°" *°“`°'“‘ ‘“°"°‘”- second, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, ten thousand dollars. For steel shell for sea-coast cannon, twenty-five thousand dollars, Steelshell,sea-coms For steel armor-piercing projectiles for sea-coast guns, one hundred °§Q'§·§{$;mj,c,m,,S,s€,_ thousand dollars. °°”* €“”*· For purchase and erection of armor dplate for testing armor-pierc- Armor plate mr ing projectiles, twenty-four thousand ollars. ‘“”· ARMY GUN FACTORY: For machinery and plant for the manu- Armygunfactory. facture of steel shell or shrapnlelf_p1§·field-guns, fve thousand dollars. pxr.¤r,pra,:¤r sen- For machiner to complete the capacity o present gun actory €·'*¥"*’{§,';° ‘f§wa _ building at Watiervliet grsenal, West Troy, New York, one hundred vrl;?l¤s¤¤r¤{1,N.Y.wr and sixty-five thousand dollars. For construction of a building for wash·rooms, closets, and sinks Wash—rooms,etc. for the operatives of the gun factory, twelve thousand dollars. For increase of machinery and p ant for manufacture of projec- Increase ct pim, tiles, and for castings needed in Current work of gun fabrication at l"'°' army gun factory, sixteen thousand dollars.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/371