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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/372

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318 FIFTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 797. 1890. °“°°· For erection and completion of a fire-proof brick office building for the army factory, Watervliet Arsenal, New York, twenty- three thousand dollars. R¤i1¤*¤¤d¤di¤x¤,¤w· For railroad sidings, switches, and we¥hing scale at the army gun factory, Watervliet Arsenal, New ork, two thousand eight nndred dollars. ‘ S'°*¤°¤¢*¤°·°°°· For one hundred and fifty horselpower steam-engine and shafting for machine-shop at the army gun actory, Watew ict Arsenal, New York. three thousand five hundred dollars. I·“““**·°*¤· For boring and turning lathes, rifiing machine, and eighty-ton traveling-crane fully equip ed for the manufacture of twe ve-inch guns, at Watervliet Arsenal; New York, three hundred and twenty thllhmmllioumsl l h d d h f f th A¤¤¤¤·¤1¤~¤¢¤*~>.b¤¤f at a materia urc ase un ert e oregoin rovisions o is °”*°§_"'°'°"°l' act shall beof Ameridan manufacture: Provided, Tlnll from the appropriation of twenty thousand dollars made in the fortincation appropridnstruments ror an- ation act, approved March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, §,“§l,p'§Y,}]“’p"°°'"' for conductin%the annual heavy artillery practice of the Army, the Secretary of ar may in his discretion authorize purchase of such . instruments as may be necessary from abroad, w enever the same are not produced in this country. _ wegn rnccotrgtbosrd That the President is hereby authorized to appoint a board to con- °”°i” sist of three officers of the Army, one of engineers, one of artillery, Composition or and one of ordnance, not below the rank of lieutenant-colonel, who °°3,,"€;,,,, shall inquire into the facilities for producin steel forgings for higlhwer guns at or near the Pacific coast; and in the vicinity of the k Island Arsenal, and in the vicinity of the Indianapolis Arsenal, and at some on og- near the Gulfl coast, gx11d1g}; aildvisability of ‘ erecting gun ac ories or iin1shm'an assem` -p0wer guns, to be mounted in fortifications, aigzhe Benicia Arsenaf in California, or at the Rock Island Arsenal, or at the Indianapolis Arsenal, or at some (point on or near the Gulf coast. Report. etc. Sai board shall also examine and report as to the capacity, cost of erection, and equipment of each of such gun factories. E*P°¤S*¤ °* "°-‘”d· For the (payment of the necessary expenses of said board, three thousand o1 ars. mdwggmr <gg;¤·¤•=¤ Boium or Onniuucn AND FORTIFICATION: To enable the Board Foreign of Ordnance and Fortication to purchase abroad, for experimfntal {,§’,{,_°"’°’ "‘°""' purploscs, such articles of foreign manufacture as are not pr uced in t is country, and which are necessary in order that the board may determine what may be best and worth of adoption and manufacture in the United States, one hundred tliousan dollars. F==r·¤¤¤¤¤ ¤f*¤¤¤¤¤· For the necessary expenses of the board, as provided for ill the Vol.Z,¤ec.6,p.49l. last clause of section six of the act approved September twenty- second, eighteen hundred and eighty-cig t, five thousand dollars. Erpei-imma am. To enab e the necessary experiments to be made to test the value thereof, including the purchase- of material and construction where Pneummo guéiosr- necessary, of pneumatic gumcarriages, seghmental guns, and high

 "'· up explosives, fifty thousand dollars, or so muc thereo as may be necessalry. And the Secretary of \Var, through the medium of the

Boa of Ordnance and Fortiiication, under the appropriation made ”}’¤*— *1 M- ¤·v—4°°· by section six of the fortification act, approved September twenty- ` second, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, shall have authority if ,B§§g¤Q;5¤nf_f egg- he deems it exppdient, to test and purchase a recoil-operated infantry ’ ° small arm of t irty caliber, with proper character and amount of ammunition, such ammunition to consist of the compound accelerating Buzz? sae. erm cartridge; and alsototest and purchase one light rapid fire, rapid twist {grad S11:-pounder breech loading lield in mounted upon a disappearing shie ded Held gun carriage, with proper amount of ammunition thereforhconsisting of said accelerating cartridge, and also to test deiggriz ¤pM=¤¤¤¢ one retiring sea-coast defense carriage. And the last paragraph of '"`"°“°‘ "An act making appropriations for the support of the Army for the