Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/373

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. On. 797. 1890. 319 fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and for other purposes," approved March second, eighteen hundred and J°*·**·P·8$7·¤m°¤d· eighty-nine, is hereby so amended as to authorize the use, if the ` Secretary of War deems it expedient, of a six-inch breech-loading rifled cannon of new pattern in the test of the counterpoise battery therein provided for, and the appropriation is hereby continued for Appropriation conthe purposes of such test for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and °"“"°d' nine y-one. ’ Sec. 2. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized and I of ***1;*******- directed to purchase under contract, after due advertisement in- meiuéiiuwlg N ug`} viting proposals, and at prices which the Board of Ordnance and Fortification shall adjudge to be fair to the manufacturer and for the interest of the United States, twenty-nve eight-inch, fifty ten·inch, p0,;,p_m_ and twenty-five twelve·inch guns, all, of which guns shall be breechloading single-charge steel guns, and of weight and dimensions to_ be prescribed by the Board, and shall fulfill the conditions hereinafter provided: Profuided, That if two or more persons, citizens of hmm. the United States, submit proposals to furnish said guns, either in Proposals,etc. part or in whole, at prices not materially different from each other, contracts may be awarded, in such proportion, among the citizens Aww! of contractssubmitting such proposals as the Secretary of War may direct. One type gun of eac of the above-mentioned caliber, with the proper Type gum, ew., to supply of ammunition therefor, shall be presented for test at such b°"°S°"°°°‘ plgace and within such time as the contract shall provide, and shall subjected to such tests in respect to accuracy, range, power, Testsendurance, and general efficiency as the Board of Ordnance and Fortification shal have prescribed. All the other guns of each caliber, with the dproper supply of ammunition, shall be delivered at such lace an within such times as the contract shall provide, and shall) be subjected to the ordinary service test of ten rounds with the full charge and weight of projectile, which shall develop ' the standard power prescribed for the gun. If the type gun sustains u G:¤é¤m;gg<;¢m¢ the prescribed test to the satisfaction of the Board of Ordnance and Bldgrd, Kr wm. y Fortiiication, it and each of the other guns which sustains the ordinary service test, and the ammunition expended in such tests, shall be accepted under the contract. All guns manufactured under these contracts, including the type guns, shall be subjected to inspection i¤¤vt¤¤<>¤· at alkstages of manufacture, and 110 change whatever shall be made mchgeosg ¤‘o¤_j_=€dt¥£o in the material, mode of manufacture, or imensions of the guns for semwypdnivu. y service from those employed in the type gun without the approval of the Secretary of Wa1·. Payment for each gun and ammunition Payment. for testing same, including cost of transportation, shall be made u on the satisfactory comp etion of the prescribed test for that gun,. 51 tests of guns shall be made in the presence of the Board and of wf;{’°*°¤ P'°°°°° ¤* the person resenting the gun, or his authorized agent, and due regard shali) be paid to‘suggestions offered by him which respect . the mode of making such test. That under the provisions of this section there shall not be ex- mliiéximum expendipended or contract or contracts entered into involving the Government ‘ in an aggregate expenditure exceeding three million seven hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars, nor an expenditure on the part of the Government in any one fiscal year in excess of one million dollars. And all guns and materials purchased under the authority _ of this section shall be of American manufacture and furnished mée¤§£f°¤m°¤“’¤°° by citizens of the United States: Provided furfher, That contracts Maximum maine may be made for not exceeding one-fourth of the guns herein pro- }’°“” °°""`"“‘· vided for, to be constructed on the Pacific coast, in the discretion of the Secretary of War: Pr·0tz··z`ded furl‘72er, That all expenditures b·;·ppropri¤tio¤¤v¤¤· made under this section shall be paid from the amount made avail- a °‘ able and provided for in section six of the "Act making appropria- Vo1·25.p·491· tions for fortifications and other works of defense, for the armament thereof, for the procurement of heavy ordnance for trial and service,