446 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 907. 1890. Huwanee mul-, Improving Hiawassee River, Tennessee: To complete improve- T°“"‘ ment, fifteen hundred dollars. mm nm mm, Improving Forked Deer River, Tennessee: Continuing improve- ' 'f°“°· ment, two thousand five hundred dollars, to be expen ed on the North Fork from Dyersburgh to the main river, and thence on the main river to its mouth. 'lleunxee mver, Improving Tennessee River above Chattanooga, Tennessee; Con- T°'“‘· tinuing improvement, thirty thousand dollars, of which fifteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as maybe necessary, shall be used in making a careful and comprehensive survey of said river from Chattanooga to the junction o the Holston and French Broad Rivers, with a view of ascertaining to what extent the navigation of the river is capable of improvement, and the cost of the same, and the preparation of suitable plans therefor. Improving Tennessee River, below Chattanooga, Tennessee, includin Colbert Shoals and Bee Tree Shoals: Continuing improvement, Iour hundred and seventy-nve thousand dollars, out of which twenty-five thousand dollars may be used at Livingston Point at the mouth of said river, in accordance with the recommendation of the engineer in charge of that portion of the river. Kentucky River. mproving Kentucky River, Kentucky: Continuing improvement, K" ‘ one hundre and eight thousand dollars. 0***0 Rim- Improving the Ohio River: Continuing impfovement, three hun- 1>¤¤·1¤¤¤<>¤- dred thousand dollars, of which sum seven thousand five hundred Construction of ice- dollars shall be expended in constructing an ice-pier pursuant to the Pl"' present or pr<§pective plan of the Chief of Engineers, at or near P¤>¤F•••· the mouth of err’s Run, in Ohio: Provided, That the Secretary of Wa; is herteby apthplrizald agid directed totcalggailn, if he can do so Bi nisn ri Ms wit out cos to the ni tates, a perpe ease or conveyance ,,"l‘,§_¥°“°°" °fgi°°` of the riparian rights of the property owners at said locality, in the event said ice- ier shall be located where there is no landing place : And further, That at said locality, if it be an mnuqussnmm or improved landing, he shall first obtain a relinquishment of wharf- "'*”"°€° '*€'*’*·°*°- age right and dues in favor of water-craft seeking protection from damage by ice; and no part of this appropriation s all be used for Oonditienalexpendi- such purpose until the foregoing conditions are comaplied with; and
- “'°· a like sum for like purposes upon similiar terms in l resppcts may
be used in the discretion of the engineer in charge of the O io River at Ripley, Ohio, and at Portsmouth, Ohio; and twenty thousand dollars of said Ohio River appro riation may be used for continuation of harbor improvement at Madison, Indiana, accordinglto the plans heretofore submitted by Lieutenant Colonel Merrill; t irteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars may be expended in the completion of the construction of the embankment on the south side of the Great Miami River near its junction with the Ohio to conline the waters of said Miami River in great floods to the general course of its channel at or near the Ohio, to the end that the formation of the bar in the Ohio now obstructing navi ation may be arrested ; and fifteen thousand dollars may be expended in completing the embankment at Shawneetown, already partly constructed for the preservation of the harbor at that place; the further sum of twenty thousand dollars maay be expended for the removal of rock obstruction at the mouth of icking River, Kentucky. mm or the cum. _ Improving the Falls of the Ohio River : Continuing improvement, sixty thousand dollars. I¤**¤¤¤°*·¤*° ml- Improving Indiana Chute Fall, Ohio River: Continuing improvement, twenty-five thousand dollars. Licking River. Ky. Improving_ Licking River, from Farmers to West Liberty, Kentucky ; C gntmuing improvement, three thousand dollars. Boughlliver, Ky. Improving Rough River. Kentucky. twenty-five thousand dollars ; to be expended in procuring the necessary land. commencing the construction of a lock and dam, and removing obstructions in the