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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/501

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 907. 1890. 447 river from its mouth to Hartford, Kentucky, on the least ex ensive estimate recommended by Captain James C. Post, Corps oi) Enginegrs, mt h? report of January twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred an cig y- ve. The Secretary of War is hereby authorized and empowered to emu and amen grant leases or licenses for the use of the water-powers on the Green m{$’,{§,,,.l,,,,,,,l,,,,,,,,,_ and Barren Rivers at such a rate and on such conditions and for such periods of time as may seem to him just, equitable, and expedient; said leases not to exceed the riod of twent years: Pro- nemo. vided, That the leases or licenses shallg limited to the use of the Limited to surplus surplus water not required for navigation. And he is also empow- "°'°'· ere to grant leases or licenses for the occupation of such lands be longing to the‘United States on said Green and Barren Rivers as ‘ may be required for mill-sites or for other purposes not inconsistent Mi11—siw1¤¤¤¤¤. wit the requirements of navigation; said leases or licenses not to extend beyond the period of twenty years; and all moneys received under suc leases or licenses shall be turned into the Treasury of Moneys eovmdm the United States, and the itemized statement thereof shall accompany the annual report of the Chief of Engineers. But nothing in Report, ewthis act shall be construed to adect any vested right, if such there vemungnm. be, of any lessee of water·power on said river. 1 Improving Sandusky River, Ohio, one thousand five hundred dol- Olsauausky amnars. . ‘°· Improving Saginaw River, Michigan: Continuing improvement, Saginaw River. seventy-nve thousand dollars; thirty-seven thousand five hundred mm dollars of which shall be expended above Bay City. Improving Saint Mary’s River at the Falls, Michigan: Continuing sam no-ggdiluvu imlprovement on new locks and approaches, nine hundred thousan “‘ “’° F°““» dollars: Provided, That such contracts as may be desirable may be Prvviw. entered into by the Secretary of War for materials and labor for the °°“°'“‘"‘ entire structure and approaches, or any part of the same, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law. Improving Hay Lake Channel, Michigan: Continuing imlprove- Hay me Channel, ment, four hun red thousand dollars : Provided, That suc con- mg}-mm tracts as may be desirable may be entered into by the Secretary of conmete War for materials and labor for the entire work, or any part of the samle, go pe paid for as appropriations may from time to time be ma e aw. Imprdving Saint Clair Flats Ship-Canal, Michigan: Continuing sum cm; rin. imlprovement, eighty thousand dollars. _ _ _ Sh°**°"‘“·“‘°"· m roving Clinton River, Michigan: Continuing improvement, 0¤¤¤¤>¤ 1¤v•>r.Mi¤h. ten tllousan dollars. Improving Saint Joseph River, Michigan: Completing improve- sem Joseph mm-, ment, one thousand dollars. _ mm Improving mouth of Black River, Michigan: Continuing improve- mm: nsteemxcn. ment, ten thousand dollars. _ Improving Rouge River, Michigan, at its Junction with Detroit Rouse mm,mi¤n. River. and up the river as far as the bridge of Saint Louis and Wa.- bash Railroad, ten thousand dollars. _ _ Improvin Thunder Bay River. Alpgpa, Michigan: For sixteen- A}'¤¤¤dl$[r1?1¤yRiv¤r. foot ehanneI from mouth to one mile a ve, ten thousand dollars. °°”°’ ‘° ‘ Improving Black River, at Port Huron, Michigan: To deepen emu nam-, rm channel from mouth to Grand Trunk Railroad Bridge to depth of H“'°“·’“°"· sixteen feet, twenty-five thousand dollars. _ Improving Menomonee River, Michigan and Wisconsin: Contin- mmgnczgcrpp River. ning improvement up the river from termination of old work, nfty- ° ""' "‘ four thousand dollars. Improving Chippewa River including Yellow Banks, Wisconsin ; w?s’¤iDr>¤W¤ Kiwi'. Continuing im rovement. ten thousand dollars. Improving Flbx River, Wisconsin, below Portage. except as herein rex mvuwis. provided : Continuing improvement, one hundred thousand dollars; of this sum ive thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be nec-