448 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 907. 1890. essary, shall be used for deepening the south outlet of Lake Winnebago, at Neenah, Wisconsin, so as to make navigation practicable during 1ow—water season; the sum of eight thousand do lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall e used for removing the sand·bar at outlet of Fon du Lac River, Wisconsin, according to recommendations in iipport of Major Charles E. L. B. Davis, major of engineers, dated ovember fourteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine. _ wS:¤_:dQF¤i:· River. Improving Saint CPO1X River, Wisconsin and Minnesota: Con- - tinuing improvement, eight thousand dollars. NRM Buhjlir <>f ¤¤• Improving Red River of the North, Minnesota: Continuing im- ' °m°’ ’ provement, twenty-five thousand dollars. m‘j’gB•¤¤ 1¤v¤¤‘· hd- Improving Wabash River, Indiana and Illinois, above Vincennes: ' Continuing irwrovement, nve thousand five hundred dollars. Improving abash River, Indiana and Illinois, below Vincennes : Contmuin the work on lock and dam at Grand Rapids, near Mount Carmel, Iiinois, sixty thousand dollars, including sna ging; and six thousand dollars of said sum may be expended on sai; river at or . near Grayville in the State of Illinois. WH¤¤l¤v¤r.1¤¤!- Improving White River, Indiana : The five thousand dollars here- Vol. ¤5.p.419- tofore appropriated is hereby directed to be expended, notwithstanding the cond1tions upon which such appropriation was made. . Calumet mm-, m. mproving Calumet River, Illinois and ndiana: Continuing im- - "‘”"‘*· provement, fifty thousand dollars. G¤\¤¤•¤v¤r.11r That the city of Galena, Illinois, be and hereby is, authorized to GM or emu may continue and complete the improvement and navigation of the chan- """??"" nel of Galena River from a point eight hundred eet below the Custom House in said city to the main channel of the Mississippi River mm. upon conditions hereinafter mentioned: Provided, That un ess said oommmemmand city or her representatives shall commence the work within one year °°°'°°°°°‘ an secure a navigable channel within five years from the approval of this act, the provisions herein shall be null and void. u¤•¤¤ ¤¤d ¤¤¢,¥ my In carrying out the provisions of this act, the city of Galena or ' her representatives shall be authorized to construct a dam above the point to be opened for navigation, rising not more than twelve feet above low water or a like am may be constructed below the oint to be opened to navigation with a lock not less than two hundred} and eighty feet long and fifty two feet wide. h¤°¤*¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¢¤¤ consideration of said imfprovements the United States promise and agree to payto the city o Galena, her assigns or legal representatives, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, when a channel has been opened and maintained for navigation one season to a depth of at least three feet, and of a width su cient to accommodate any raft or boat that can pass through the lock above described, including sidings or slips, for boats to pass each other, not more than
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_ · “‘ ese im rovemen s ou mana e an con ro y e ci y mm M of Galena Idr her re resengatives shall be held to belong to the '*`°“"~ United States and sl®ll be exempt from taxation and no tolls or charges shall be collected, and at the completion of the work, the improved channel with dam and lock shall be t1u·ned over to the _ management, control, and ownership of the UnitedStates. j,,,Q’{_f';"j,‘,',§‘°r',;._}‘* ‘°" *'* That any person maliciously or intentionally injuring said works or interfering with the construction thereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and may be tried for such offense before the District Court of the United States for the district wherein such offense may be committed, and if found guilty, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or to imprisonment for not more than two years, or to both nne and imprisonment as aforesaid, for each offense. m€•aIa{¤£L;¤¤¤¤ with If the conditions of this act have been complied with, the collector ‘ of the Port of Galena and the local Inspectors of steamboats for