450 FIF'l‘Y-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 907. 1890. Minneapolis m Des Im rovin the Mississi pi from the 'landing on the west bank ”°"“’“ B‘*“‘· below? the Mfashington {venue Bridge, Minneapolis, to the Des Moines Rapids: Continuing improvement, five hundred thousand dollars, of which sum thirty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as msu-rnuuon. may be necessary, shall be expended by the engineers in charge in — removing the sand-bars and other obstructions to navigation in the East Channel of the Mississippi River opposite the prairie, on which the city of Prairie du Chien, in the State of Wisconsin, is located, the same being between Minneaipolis and Des Moines Ra ids; of which sum also fifi; thousand ollars shall be ex ended between the Chic¥o, Saint au], Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad bridge at Saint aul and the Washington avenue brid e, Minneapolis, in dredging, removal of gravel, bowlders, and brodren rock and the construction of dams and revetments· and in the discretion of the Secretary of War, the sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be expended in removing the bar in the river at Port Byron, in the State of Illinois; five thousand plollars at Burlington, owa, and two thousand dollars at Montrose, _ owa. Des Moines rupms Improving the Mississippi River at Des Moines Ralpids Canal: For C°”'“· comp etion of existing project, twenty-two thousan dollars. ro mmm or mms Improving Mississippi River, from Des Moines Ra ids to the mouth m""‘ of the Illinois River, one hundred and sixty—i:ive thousand dollars, nnunmum. out of which twenty-five thousand dollars shall be ex ended in continuing the dredging in Quincy Ba , in the State of Illinois, and the ummm uc Secretary of War is authorized and directed to cause an examina- "’°"` tion and report to be made by a competent engineer upon the advisability of reopening Willow S ough, or some other channel, from the Mississippi iver to Quincy Bay; and also fifteen thousand dollars of said sum shall be used in the rectiiication of the river at Clarks- . ville, Missouri, as suggested in the report of Captain Ruifner ;. and also twenty-five thousand dollars of said sum, or so much thereof as ma be necessary may be expended at the discretion of the Secretary of War to protect the banks of the river from erosion and prevent the destruction of the embankment of the Sny Island levee. ro mouth or omo Improving the Mississippi River, from the mouth of the Illinois B"°"‘ River to the mouth of the Ohio River, and at the discretion of the Secretary of War, the rotection of the Illinois shore oplposite the mouth of the Missourigtiver, four hundred thousand dollars, fift thousand dollars of which shall be expended in completing the work at Alton, and nfty thousand dollars in improving the river at Saint Genevieve, in the State of Missouri. num": se. mms, Improving harbor at Saint Louis, Missouri, one hundred and ”°‘ eighty-two thousand dollars. wlgeusg me Passes mproving Mississippi River from the Head of the Passes to the dg .,wf§g md,. mout of the Ohio River, including salaries, clerical, office, traveldm h*'¤ °·>¤¤¤*¤- ing, and miscellaneous expenses of the Mississpppi River Commission: Continuing improvement, three million two undred thousand dollars, which sum shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War in accordance with the plans, specifications. and recom- Oblem. mendations of the Mississip i River Commission, for the general improvement of the river, fgr the building of levees, for surveys, inc uding the survey from the head of the Passes to the head waters
of the river, for the work at the harbors at Hickman, Kentucky, at
iifi餤,_s.»k.; Green: New Madrid, Missouri, at Helena, Arkansas, at Greenville, Vicks-
burg, and Natchez, Mississippi, at New Orleans, Louisiana, at the
g;1<§¤akm. bead 3; hea of theatchafalaya and the mouth of the Red River, and at ,,;‘§,,,dR_€`,?},‘Q ,,{§°" other localities, in such manner, to such extent, and in Such proportion as in their opinion shall best promote the interests of comzyaq-:.0. _ merce and navigation: Provided, That the amount expended from p_,Ij.‘§tQ§‘g§°“’°“‘“°" such sum for work at the harbors aforesaid shall not exceed six hundred thousand dollars, and the amount expended at the head of