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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/505

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 907. 1890. 45]. the Atchafalaya and the mouth ·of Red River for the rectincation thereof pursuant to the plan heretofore ado ted, includin keeping open a navigable channe through the mouth) of Red or Gld River into the Mississippi River shall not exceed two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Improving Gasconade River, Missouri: Continuing improvement, emma mm-, four thousand dollars. M°· Improving Little River, Missouri, from Hornersville to its juno- T-We Riv¢r·—M<» tion with the Saint Francis River: Completing improvement, three thousand dollars. · I Improving Saint Francis River, from Greenville to the Arkansas smtrmcmmver, line : Continuing improvement, ten thousand five hundred dollars; M°‘ and the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to lpurchase the Cut- C_1;·¤d~¤t·:¤l';>f[¤¤*~] rf off Canal now owned and controlled by the Dunk in County Trans- ommty rmnspomportation Company of Dunklin County, Missouri, if, in his judg- “°“°°"‘P°”¥- ment, the interests of commerce rerfuire the purchase to be made, _ °and the sum he nnds to be reasonab e for the purpose may be taken from the money herein appropriated. Im roving the Osage River, Missouri, fifty-five thousand dollars, of Osage 1¤ve»·,m¤. which, sum ve thousand dollars is to be used for snagging and fifty · thousand dollars is to be used in commencing the construction of a lock and dam at or near the mouth of said river. Improving Black River, Missouri: Continuing improvement, nm mvayma seven thousand dollars. Improving Missouri River from its mouth to Sioux City, Iowa, in- mssmmium. clusive, em racing office, clerical, traveling, and other exppnses of If,‘f°" S‘°“‘ °“’· the Missouri River Commission, surveys, permanent benc -marks, R}¤¤1¤¤¤¤¤¤ and gauges, eight hundred thousand do lars, to be expended by the mY" CE m' Secretary of War in the systematic improvement of the river from gbumn ‘“”°'* its mout up according to the plans, and specification of the Mis- ` souri River Commission, to be a proved by him in reaches to be designated by them: Provided, That in the discretion of the Com- mmm. mission such portion of said sum and of all unexpended balances ,,,,,,D‘fg’,{°°§”°,‘,’,,,,,§}`,Y" from former aplpropriations during the last four ears for the im- Mei ded b l` provement of the issouri River below Sioux City, or any part mc;`?"" ° ' thereof, not exceeding two hundred and three thousand dollars, as · they may deem proper shall be expended in the protection of harbors an localities on any part of the river within said limits. Improving Missouri River between the foot of the Great Falls of nme sum City. the said river in Montana and Sioux City, three hundred thousand mmm °‘* dollars, to be expended in the discretion of the Secretary of War, and he is authorized to use so much thereof as may be necessary for the providing of two ice harbors, to be located b im. Icehnrbun. Improving Sacramento and Feather Rivers, California: Continu- sumtmw an ing improvement, thirty thousand dollars. F°“°“°" mm-"? mproving Napa River, California: Completing improvement, ten N.,,, mm Gu thousand do lars. Improving San Joaquin River, California: Continuing improve- San Joaquin mm, ment, seventy-tive thousand dollars, of which sum twenty-three °“'· thousand seven hundred and nfty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be expended in closing Laird’s Slough and Paradise Cut, and twenty-four thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be extpended in dredging, and twenty-seven thousand two hundred and ii ty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be expende for cutting of Head Reach. Improving Pet-a-luma Creek in California: Continuing improve- reuaums Creek; ment, four thousand dollars. Ca'- _ Improvement of Redwood Creek, California: To complete dredg- neuw¢mc¤ek,c·1. mg, eight thousand dollars. Improving canal at the Cascades, Oregon: Continuing improve- Golumbiakivemresment, four hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars. .