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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/506

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452 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 907. 1890. Im roving Upper Columbia, including Snake River, Oregon and Wasll)i11gton: Continuing improvement, twenty thousand do lars. Improving the mouth of Co1umbiaRiver, Oregon: Continuing improvement, four hundred and seventy-ive thousand dollars. mhwl gmgem Improving Lower Willamette and Columbia Rivers in front and omg, v°”’ plelow Psi; md, Oregon: Continuing improvement, one hundred ousan 0 rs. _0,‘§:*•¤=¤°'* mm'- Improving Willamette River above Portland, Oregon, eleven thousand dollars, of which sum five thousand dollars, O1' so much _ thereof as may be necessary, may be used, in the discretion of .the

 of dar, for improvement of the river at Clackamas Rapids

an oss s an . _ U¤¤¤*¤¤>¤*¤¤‘·0¤‘¤K- Improving Coguille River. Oregon: Continuing improvement thirty thousand ollars, not excee ing three thousand dollars of . yvhic may, with the approval of the Chief of Engineers, be used or snaggmg. U'¤P'1¤*R*'°"·°'°¢- d Ilmproving Umpqua River, Oregon : To complete, nine thousand . dollars. ¢Si¤¤l•w1¤v¤r.0r¤:- Improving the mouth of Siuslaw River, in Oregon : To commence construction of jetty, fifty thousand dollars. .h§;¤gg8gg£¥ P1;ngp;<;;1:1lg¤g;;1(1;g?xa1r1;dl1(IE`l5alsk1uipe Rivers, in Oregon: To com- , - dollars. .w°_§,;•*j¤“* W'"- Improving Columbia River from the head of Rock Island Ralpids ` to the foot o Priest Rapids, Washington, seventy thousand dollars, ) _ of which ten thousand ollars, or so much thereof as may be necesww- . sary, may be used in the survey of the Columbia River from the . mternational 'boundary to Rock Island Rapids. w‘jg:¤•"° M'"- I11;p1£vingthChehal1isd Rfiver, Washington: Continuing improvemen , ree onsan dollars. <‘¤v1¤¤RMr.W•¤¤ In;prov£1;g;hCowli%rdR1i;er, Washington: Continuing improve- _ men , eig thousand o rs: _ Num Improving Shagit, Stielaquamish, N ootsack, Snohomish, and mmm hiff: Slpowquglgiel Rivers, Washington: Continuing improvement, twelve ‘¥“""° '°”· thousand dollars. B°°“* *° ““"°Y· The Secretary of War is authorized and directed to appoint a .°1f£.—s°bil¤x¤¤. wt:? board of three officers of the Corps of Engineers of theglnited W? States Army, whose duty it shall be to select and survey the most feasible location, and estimate the ex ense of construction of a ship- · canal to connect the waters of Lakes Union, Washington, and Samami h with Puget Sound; and the sum of ten thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for its ' ex enses. ,,:,"°,§' Sec. 2. That nothing contained in sectionthirty-seven hundred and ¤¤g¤t¤*¤· am m seventeen of the Rev1sed Statutes of the United States, nor in sec- ¤mhL1°‘ ’°‘ ’ tion three of the river and harbor act of August eleventh, eighteen v°*“·P·** hundred and eighty-eight, shall be so construed as to prohi it or prevent the cumulation of two or more works of river and harbor improvement in the same proposal and contract, where such works vol 25 P m arg situateg in the sameé regipn land of the slame kind or cihagacteré ‘ *· · ‘ Ec. 3. hat section ve o the river an ar ract o u s mm` elevegtlh, eighteenmhuntlred and eighty-eight, be amended angieenac soastore as o ows: m1:?,.?}};.: |S¢°°s0h¥.{ That the Secretar of War be, and is hereby, authorized to make fg; m*°*°¤*PP* Such rules and regulations for the navigation of the South Pass of ` the Mississippi River as to him shall seem necessary or expedient for the purpose of preventing any obstruction to the channel through said South Pass and any injur to the works therein constructed. The term “South Pass," as herein employed, shall be construed as embracing the entire extent of channel between the upper ends of the works at the head of the Pass and the outer or sea end of the

f¤=*¤+ Jetties at the entrance from the Gulf of Mexico; and any willful

‘ violation of any rule or re lation made by the Secretary of War in Su