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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/542

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488 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 947. 1890. for the determination of the compensation to be paid to the individual occupants of lands, with the right of appeal to the court u on the same terms, conditions, and requirements as therein provided: Provided further, That the amount awarded or adjudged to be paid Award w be m neu by said railroad company for such dissenting nation or tribe shall be °* °°*¤P¤¤¤¤°i°¤· in lieu of the compensation the said nation or tribe would be entitled to receive under the foregoing provisions. Said company shall also pay, so long as said Territory is occupied by the Indians, to the Sec- Amm mm .' retary of the Interior the sum of Bfteen do lars per annum for each mile of railroad it shall construct and operate in said Territory. The money paid to the Secretary of the Interior under the provis- Am,°m,,,m,,,t_ ions of this act shall be apportioned by him in accordance with the laws and treaties now in force among the different nations and tribes according to the number of miles of railroad that may be constructed and operated by said company through their lands: Provided, That Congress shall have the right, so long as said lands are '*`¤*“°¤• occupied and possessed by said nations and tribes, to impose addi- . tional taxes upon said railroad as it may deem just and pro er for their beneBt; and any State or Territory hereafter forme , through which said railroad shall have been established, may exercise the like power as to such part of said railroad as lies within its limits. S""'-Y- °°°· Said railroad company shall have the right to survey and locate its railroad immediately after the lpassage of this act. S112c. 6. That said company s all cause maps showing the route of _ mpwumsu. its located line through said Territory to be led in the office of the Secretary of the Interior, and also to be Bled in the office of the principal chief of each of the nations or tribes through whose lands said _ railroad may be located, and after the Bling of said maps no claim for subsequent settlement or improvement upon the right of wal? Hvvfw. shown by said maps shall be vali against said company: Promde , That when a map showing any portion of said railroad’s located line eaaiugmtsgmon is Bled as herein provided for said company shall commence gradin m" ‘”°*’“· said located line within six months therea ter, or such location shag be void; and said location shall be approved by the Secretary of the Interior in sections of twenty-five m` es before construction of any such section shall be begun. ` °nEg§}€{Jg°$v¤> ’*=¤*‘° Sec. 7. That the officers, servants, and employees of said com any y` necessary to the construction and management of said road shall be allowed to reside, while so engaged, upon such right of way but subject to the provisions of the Indian intercourse laws an such rules and regulations as may be established by the Secretary of the Interior in conformity with said intercourse laws. U**8*¤°¤· Sec. 8. The courts established under the laws of the United States in the Territory of Oklahoma shall have the same jurisdiction in repect of all cases and controversies arising between said Hutchinson and Southern Railroad Company and every other corporation, organization, association, tribe and person, that the said courts have and may by law exercise in respect of cases and controversies between other citizens of the United States, and this, without reference to the amount in controversy, except as otherwise in this act specially provided. m°:l¤¤9¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Sec. 9. That said railroad company shall build and complete its °‘°°°"‘ railway in said Territory within eighteen months after the passa e of this act or the rights herein granted shall be forfeited as to the portion not built; and it shall not be necessary in such a case for a orfeiture to be declared by 'udicial process or legislative enactment; and that said company shall] construct and maintain continually all €¤>¤¤i¤s¤.etc. road and highway crossings and necessary bridges over said railroad wherever such roads and highways do now or may hereafter cross said ra1lway’s right of way, or may be by the proper authorities laid across the same.