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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/543

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 947, 948. 1890. 489 Sec. 10. That said Hutchinson and Southern Railroad Company condition or soshall accept this right of way upon the express condition, binding °°*‘°‘"’°°· upon itself, its successors and assigns, that they will neither aid, a vise, nor assist in any effort looking toward the extinguishin or changing the present tenure of the Indians to their lands, and will not attempt to secure from the Indian nations any further grant of land, or its occupancy, than is hereinbefore provided; Provided, Pr<>···iw· That any violation of the conditions mentioned in this section shall vaonuoumrmeit. operate as a forfeiture of all rights and privileges of said railroad under this act. Sec. 11. That all mortgages executed by aid railroad company Record or mort-- conveying an portion of its railroad, with its franchises, that may ‘°g“‘ be constructed in said Indian Territory shall be recorded in the Department of the Interior, and the record thereof shall be prima facie evidence and notice of their execution, and shall convey all rights and propertliy of said company as therein expressed. Sec. 12. hat Congress may at any time amend, add to, alter, or Ameucmeutew. repeal this act, and the right of way herein and hereby granted shall not be assigned or transferred in any form whatever prior to the asssgnmeueete. construction and com lotion of said road, except as to mort age or other lien that may do given or secured thereon to aid in the construction thereof. Approved, September 26, 1890. CHAP. 948.——An act granting to the Rio Grande Southern Railroad Company september 26,100. the right of waglmwgh the Fort lewis military reservation in La Plata County, i- in the State of orado. Be it enacted the Senate and House of Igegiresentatives of the United States c America in Congress asse led, That the Rio mgugrwg) south- Grande Southern Railway Company, a corporation created by the 3 twuiii State of Colorado, be, an here y is, permitted and authorized to wléggvlgefmmb locate, construct, eqpip, operate, and mamtain a railway, telegraph, Eta Lewis Reserver and telephone line t roug the United States military reservation in "°“· ?°'· La Plata County of said State, known as the Fort Lewis military reservation, not exceeding one hundred feet in Width, subject to Width of right cf' such conditions and requirements as may be prescribed by the Sec- "'€§;,,dm.,,.,,_,,,,_ retary of War, and as soon as said company has selected such line and right of way, it shall present to an file with the Secretary of Mspwbe imd- War a correct map or plat showing such located line for the consideration and approva or rejection and modification, as may be seo-¤¤m—¤:w¤¤·» deemed necessary, by the Secretary of War; and no work of con· “”"°"° ’°“°°· struction shall be commenced on or through said reservation until the selection of the route or line of such road shall be approved by the Secretary of War. Said com any shall have the right, subject to the restrictions, limitations, and) prohibitions deemed necessary by the Secretary of War, to take from any lands adjacent to said right of way such stone and earth as may be necessary for the construe- rm-qu, easter emtion and repair of said railway, but no timber; and the said com- “"“°“°"- pany shall also have the right, for not exceeding one station for smxousem. every ten miles of said road through said reservation, to use and occupy such additional ground adjacent to the right of way, for station buildings, depots, shops, side-tracks, turn-outs, and waterstations, as may be deemed necessary and be approved by the Secreta of War, not to exceed two hundred feet in width in addition to Laminate. said right of way nor three thousand feet in length, for the station; and the sites for such depots, émd S0 forth, shall be approved by the Appgoyplrcf Seen- Secretary of War before any work shall be commence , °"'·'° ‘ Sec. 2. That the right is expressly reserved to alter, amend, or Amenamenaew. repeal this act. Approved, September 26, 1890.