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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/544

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490 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 949-951. 1890. September 26, 1890. CHAP. 949.-An act establishgng a free public bathing beach on the Potomac ""°_""—‘ River near Wasliington Monumen . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the B%*~hg;€ bmh °* United States oi America in Congress assembled, That the Com- 'hxliléiflwag-£i¤lii)t$)¤l?l>? missioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized and ‘°- permitted to construct a beach and dressiqg houses upon the east Locaciou. shore of the tidal reservoir against the ashmgton Monument Purpose, em. grounds, and to maintain the same for the purpose of ree public bathing, under such regulations as they shall deem to be fo1·_the public remiasmmuss. welfare; apd tihe Secretary oie War is rgqtupsted to peillmgl sucih use of the ub ic omain as may require accomp is e o Jec s above sbt forth. _

£1¤·<>1¤•¤¤¤.¤v¤i\ Sec. 2. That the sum of three thousand dollars 1S. hereby appro-

'? ‘ riated, from the revenues of the District of Columbia, to be immediately available for the purposes of this act. Approved, September 26, 1890. september 26, 1800. CHAP. 950.-—An act for the relief of certain property owners in the City of ""**··—* Washington, District of Columbia. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the W·¤¤¤¤z¢¤¤,1>·¤- United States of America in Congress assembled, That the property W °t am owners of square east of square six hundred and forty-three be, and gg: B3?,, ****::3 they are hereby, nted the privilage of constructing, usmg, and z•¤¢¤ms¤nsn°:»°sa. maintaining a raihl-dad siding to an into said square, connecting with the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad at a_po1nt on Virginia Avenue between the intersection of the siding into square east of sqdqzre six hundred and gorty-two th3r1niters(<;ctiont<;rf6the north sig into square west o square six un e an 111116 - ve. Approved, September 26, 1890. September 26,mo. CHAP. 951.-An act to grant school district numbered seven of the township

        • 1* of Dearborn, Wayne County, Michigan, certain lots of land for school purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ruum umm. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following- 4a p¤ip"2s°§ described lan s, situate in the township of Dearborn, county of E,*_;g°°'**’¤°’*°,','·°*¤g Wayne, and State of Michigan, to wit: ots sixty-eight, sixty-mne, -b0m,MEv$,¤’ nr seventy, seventy-one, seventy two, ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety- °°‘°"’“°“· eight, ninet -nine are hereby granted to school district numbered seven of said township, to be used for school purppses, the said lands L¤¤•¤¤¤- léeing bounded by Ceéiter tstrppt, Mqsoq woglgy szvenuqtand arrison street, accor in o e p a 0 e D1 e a es m1 1 ary ”°°"’° * '“* N§rvaum'l'bu Sthd tS)WuS§ip- f th I teh ll th ld "'* ”° EC. 2. at e ecretary o e n mor s a cause e unso 'md mmm mma rtion of the grounds and the building thereon known as the Dearhgrn Arsenal, in the State of Michigan, except the lots named in mnppmisumdmie. section one of this act, to be rea raised and sold for cash,_at not less than the appraised value, to the highest bidder, after giving not mass. less than ninety days’ notice of such sale in three of the most pfomirma». nent newspapers published in said State: _Proo.·zded, That eac sub- _ division, together with any buildings, building materials, or other d;¤¤°f¤¤b¤***¤·¤¤=· property thereon, shall be appraised and offere separately,_at public outcry, to the highest bidder, after which any unsold subdivision or subdivisions, to ether with any buildings, building materials or other property thereon, shall be subject to sale at private entry for the appraised value, at the proper land office.