FIFTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1001. 1890. 493 the owner or owners_ of any portion of said land shall refuse or neglect, after the appraisement of the cash value of said lands and improvements, to emand or receive the same from said court, upon epositing the appraised value in said court to the credit of such owner or owners, respectively, the fee-simple shall in like manner be vested in the United States. Sec. ji. That said court may direct the time and manner in which possession of the property condemned shall be taken or delivered, and museum. may, 1f_ necessary, enforce any order or issue any process for giving Process possession. Sec. 5. That no delay in making an assessment of compensation, No delay in mes or in taking possession, shall be occasioned by any doubt which may ""°“‘·°"°· arise as to the ownership of the property, or any part thereof, or as to the interests of the respective owners. In such cases the court D*¤P¤*¤¤¢'¤i¤¤· shall require a deposit of the money allowed as compensation for the whole property or the part in dispute. In all cases as soonas the P<>¤¤¤¤¤i<>¤. said commission shall have paid the compensation assessed, or secured its payment by a deposit of money under the order of the court, possession of the property may be taken. All proceedings rmeeumgs. hereunder shall be in the name of the United States of America and managed gy the commission. Sec. 6. hat the commission having ascertained the cost of the Pmpcrrionsreassesvland, including expenses, shall assess such proportion of such cost °" and expenses upon the lands, lots and blocks situated in the District of Columbia specially benefited by reason of the location and imrovement of said park, as nearly as may be, in proportion to the benefits resulting to such real estate. If said commission shall End that the real estate in said District directly benefited by reason of the location of the park is not bene- » iited to the full extent of the estimated cost and expenses, then they shall assess each tract or parcel of land specia y benefited to the extent of such beneiits as they shall deem the said real estate specially benefited. The commission shall give at least ten days’ _N0tice by pumanotice, in one dail newspaper published in the city of Washington, "°"· of the time and place of their meeting for the purpose of making such assessment and may adjourn from time to time till the same be Adiquqnmenes or completed. In making the assessment the real estate benefited °°""'"“‘°"‘ shalllbe assessed by the description as appears of record in the Dis- mom description. trict on the day of the first meeting; ut no error in description mmm. shall vitiate the assessment: Provided, That the premises are de- nwsm. scribed with substantial accuracy. The commission shall estimate sunmnmu accumthe value of the different parcels of real estate benefited as afore- °’· said and the amount assessed against each tract or parcel, and enter Entries m messall in an assessment book. Al persons interested may appear and ’“f{§_[,’,*;’:é_ be heard. When the assessment shall be completed it shall be Commission w me signedb the commission, or a majority (which majority shall have "°°“'"°“°‘ power always to act), and be tiled in the office of the clerk of the supreme court of the District of Columbia. The commission shall m$£e}g:¤¤i¤¤ fer ¤¤¤- apply to the court for a confirmation of said assessment, giving at ° least ten days’ notice of the time thereof by publication in one dailiy Nome. newspaper published in the city of Washington, which notice shall state in general terms the subject and the obiject of the application. The said court shall have power, after said notice shall have been Powersof court an duly given, to hear and determine all matters connected with said °°'°"¤"”¤8·°°°- assessment; and may revise, correct, amend, and conlirm said assessment, in whole or in part, or order a new assessment, in whole or in part, with or without further notice or on such notice as it shall rescribe; but no order for a new assessment in part, or any partiall adverse action, shall hinder or delay confirmation of the res- cennrmmou. idue, or collection of the assessment thereon. Confirmation of any part of the assessment shall make the same a lien on the real estate Lim assessed.
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