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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/548

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494 · rirrvrmsr oonenmss. sms. 1. on. 1001. 1890. m§;{g¢!£S · The assessment, when confirmed, shall be divided into four equal ew. y ’ installments, and ma be paid by any party interested in full or in one, two, three, and fbur years, on or before which times all shall be mmm_ ‘ payable, with six per centum annual interest on all deferred pay- septum r¤msm·y ments. All payments shall be made to the Treasurer of the United f"" States, who shall keep the account as a separate fund. The orders validity of proceed. of the court shall be conclusive evidence o the regularity of all pre-

  • ”’”· vious proceedings necessary to the validity thereof, and of all mat-

Court record. ters recited in said orders. The clerk of said court shall keep a record of all proceedings in regard to said assessment and confirmation. mg;;vl¤&·;¢m¤b;¤;1g The commission shall furnish the said clerk with a duplicate of its assessment book, and in both shall be entered any change made or ordered by the court as to any real estate. Such book nled with the héltzkidmceormdwd clerk when completed and certined shall be prima facie evidence pcummt u,,,,,, of all facts recited therein. In case assessments are not paid as ¤°¤°¤ aforesaid the book of assessments certilied by the clerk of the court ` shall be delivered to the officer charged b law with the duty of collecting delinquent taxes in the District ofy Columbia, who shall ro- 0¤11<>c¤<>¤. ceed to collect the same as delinquent real estate taxes are collected. No sale for any installment of assessment shall discharge the real estate from any subse uent installment; and proceedings for subsequent installments sha] be as if no default had been made in prior ones. Mmm F °‘ ,,.°¤¤· All money so collected may be paid b the Treasurer on the order um-. by of the commission to any persons entitlled thereto as com ensation ¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤¤¤¤*¤¤\ for land or services. Such order on the Treasurer shall he signed by a majprity of the commission and shall qpecify fully the purpose Mmmm m excess for whic it is drawn. If the proceeds o assemment exceed the °°°°‘ cost of the park the excess shall be used in its im rovement, under the direction of the omcers named in section ei llit, if such excess shall not exceed the amount of ten thousand elollars. If it shall exceed that amount that part above ten thousand dollars shall be ocppeuuucu or refunded ratabliy. Public officers performing any duty hereunder "’"'°°m°°'“ shall be allowe such fees and compensation as they would be enti- .0¤¤¤11>¤¤¤¤¤¤| of tled to in like cases of collecting taxes. The civi ian members of em.the commission shall be allowed ten dollars per day each for each neiwenz assess- day of actual service. Deeds made to purchasers at sales for delinmm °°°°'" quent assessments hereunder shall be prima facie evidence of the rama 0:. right of the purchaser, and any one claiming under him, that the real estate was subject to assessment and directly benefited, and that the assessment was regularly made; that the assessment was not paid- that due advertisement had been made; that the grantee in the deed yvas the purchaser or assignee of the purchaser, and that the sale was conducted legally. ·’°‘*8¤°'** °* me- Any judgment for the sale of any real estate for unlpaid assessments shal be conclusive evidence of its regularity an validity in all collateral proceedings except when the assessment was actually Ewpvnl. cw. paid, and the judgment shall estop all persons from raisinglany objection thereto, or. to any sale or deed ased thereon, whic existed at the date of its rendition, and could have been pre cnted as a defense to the application for such judgment. gggmk T0 pay the explpnses of inquiry, survey, assessment, cost of lands ’taken, and all other necessar expenses incidental thereto, the sum of one million two hundred thousand dollars, or so m,uch thereof as may be necessary: is hereby appropriated out of arlnly money in the gmdgh me D,} Treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided, at one-half of metrevenues. said sum of one million two hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be expended, shall be re-imbursed to the Treasury of the United States out of the revenues of the District of Columbia, Eg? i¤ i¤· in four equal annual installments, with interest at the rate of three mmm.' per centum per annum utpon the deferred payments: And provided g$¤¤¤d¤_:l¤;=¤· ¤¤¤-_ further, That one-half o the sum which shall be annually approprimwm_ I ° ated and expended for the maintenance and improvement of said