" FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 1001-1003. 1890. 495 lands as a public park shall be charged against and paid out of the revenues of the District of Columbia, in the manner now provided by law in respect to other appropriations for the District of Columbia, and the other half shall be appropriated out of the Treasury of the United States. Sec. 7. That the public park authorized and established by this Control, ew., or act shall be under the joint control of the Commissioners of the *’“"‘· District of Columbia and the Chief of Engineers of the United States Army, whose duty it shall be, as soon as practicable, to lay out and prepare roadways and bridle paths, to be used for driving and for . orseback riding, respectively, and footways for edestrians; and whose duty it shall also be to make and publish such regulations as Regulationsptc. they deem necessary or proper for the care and management of the same. Such regulations s all provide for the preservation from · injury or spoliation of all timber, animals, or curiosities within said park, and their retention in their natural condition, as nearly as possible. Approved, September 27, 1890. CHAP. 1002.-An act to authorize the Texas-Mexican Electric Light and Power september B"I,1U). Company to erect wires across the Rio Grande River at Eagle Pass, exas. tw-* Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assem1>le¢grThat the Texas- ·rexu.me¤¤•¤mee_ Mexican Electric Li ht and Power Company, a corporation organ- S`,,*f,,u‘l'° {:2,% ized and created under and by virtue 0 the laws of the State of $·*;¤§P*_•:.'4¤1‘{=¤_*¤r Texas, be, and is hereby, authorized and empowered to construct, own, maintain, and pjperate its wires across the Rio Grande River wm between the city of agle Pass, in the State of Texas, and the city of Porlirio Diaz, formerly known as Piedras Negras, in the State of Coahuila, in the Republic of Mexico, at such point as may be most Iocatiou. convenient to said corporation; Provided, That said wires shall not mmm. interfere with the free navigation of said river, and in case of any uuobsa-uma mm. litigation arising from an obstruction or alleged obstruction to the €“,f}‘§;;m0,,_ free navigation thereof, caused or alleged to be caused gy said wires, ‘ the case may be tried before the district court of the nited States for the western district of Texas: Amt provided also, That Congress reserves the right to withdraw the power and authority conferred by this act in case the free naviggtion of the river shall at any time -be substantially or materiall o tructed by said wires, or for any other reason, and to direct tlie removal of said wires, or necessary ,;,,,,,0,,,;, em, Og modifications thereof, at the cost and expense of the owners of said **¤*¤· wires; and Con i-ess may at any time alter, repeal, or amend this A¤¤¤¤dm¢¤¤»¤¤·=· act; And proeidgedjnrther, That the consentof the Mexican state of motgnseqr or Mmm . · · · · ont1es,etc. Coahuila and of the proper author1t1es of the Republic of Mexico shall have been obtained before the construction of said wires shall be commenced. . Approved, September 27, 1890. CRAP. 1003.-An act to provide an American register for the steam-ship G, W, September 2*:,1800. Jones, of New York. ` Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rgpresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assemble , That the Commis- _ sioner of Navigation is her? authorized and directed to cause the A;",g5‘°?, foreign-built steam-ship G. . J 01198, purchased and wholly owned smeagpsslsipnpgleéy by an American citizen, and l‘9p3·iI‘Gd 315 New York, to be registered as a vessel of the United States under the name of Czarina.
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