FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. OHS. 1044-1047. 1890. 50] building at Hoboken, New Jersey, to be expended by the Secretary of the reasury, subject to the requirements of an act for that purpose approved June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight. V°¤25»P·i°°· he hmit of cost prescribed in said act is hereby extended as aforesaid, and no plan shall be approved which will involve an expenditure for site and building complete, including approaches, greater than the limit herein iixe . Approved, September 29, 1890. CHAP. 1045.-An act for the tablishment of a light-station and fog-signal' in Beptember29,1U0. the_vicinity of Braddock’s Point? Lake Ontario, NewgYork, and providing a fog- ··—·"‘*‘ whistle at Charlotte lighbstation on said lake. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the UnitedStates of America in Congress assembled, That there be estab- ¤z1¤··¤¤¤¤¤¤»¤¤=- lished a third order light-station at Braddock’s Point and fo signal t_{)·§=]*g_1;¤¤».¤¤¤-.¤¤- between Genessee an Oak Orchard light stations, Lake Ontario, dock-., pd,{',°N_¥°°’ New York, at such ppint as may be se ected by the Light House Board, provided it s all not cost more than twenty-four thousand three hundred dollars. Sec. 2. That there be Nplaced and provided at the Charlotte light- bF¤>e&w¥¤1e, owstation, Lake Ontario, ew York, a og-whistle, at a cost not exceed- m' ‘ ' ing four thousand three hundred dollars. Approved, September 29, 1890. . CHAP. 1046.-~An actamendin an actofCongresspassedJ111 twelfth, ’ teen se mber2e,1s¤0. hundred and cdghtytwo, relativegto fire limit of site of postadhce andelgleral ···£·""_-' building, Broo yn, New York. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That act of Con- Bmumhigkg. gress approved July twelfth, eighteen hundred and eighty two, be, Iv""’°°,,,_ ,2, I, gu` and the same is hereby, amended so as not to require that an open ¤m··>¤d¤¤· space of not less than forty feet, including streets and alleys, shall Om ¤v•<=¤- be left between the building line on the north side of the site of the United States post-office, and so forth, building] in Brooklyn, New York. But no structure exceeding one story in eight shall be Limizornugus. erected on or over the open space on said northerly side of said building. Approved, September 29, 1890. CHAP. 1047.-—An act to provide for the establishment of a port of delivery at Septemb¤r2o,1so0. Peoria, Illinois. _—"";"’ Be it enacted by the Senate and House {Representatives of the · United States of America in Congress assem led, That Peoria, in the reurm; 111. _ State of Illinois, be, and hereby is, established as a port of delivery, *P°’°°' d°*"¤'F in the customs collection district of New Orleans, and that there shall be appointed at said port a surveyor of customs with compen- surveyor. sation of three hundred and fifty d0ll&l‘S per annum and the usual °°"‘l’°““"°"· fees, for the payment of which compensation an appropriation is Appropriation hereby made out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. · Approved, September 29, 1890.