502 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 1048, 1120-1122. 1890. 8¤¤t¢¤¤b¤r¤9. 1590- CHAP. 1048.-An act to repeal part of section six of an act entitled "An act to `"`tt divide the State of Iowa into two judicial districts," approved July twentieth, · eighteen hundred and eighty-two. ‘ Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the hwiw ¤i¤*¤•=¢¤<>f United States of America in Congress assembled, That so much of mm oremmmna- section six of an act entitled "An act to divide the State of Iowa "*€;, 2, P m r9_ into two judicial districtS," approved July twentieth, eighteen hunpesleé. ’’ dred and eighty-two, as reciuires courts held under the provisions of said act to be held in bui dings provided for that purpose without expense to the United States be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Approved, September 29, 1890. september 1890. CHAP. 1120.-An act to vide an erican register for the bark Cam ero, ··—·—j'·····— of Baltimore, Maryland. Pm Am · pm ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House og Representatives of the ··c¤mp¤¤m·¤." United States of America in Congress assem led, That the Commis- American ngnm- sioner of Navigation is hereby authorized and directed to cause the
- ""°°‘"‘°°'°""*· bark Camlpauero, owned and rebuilt at the port of Baltimore, Mary-
land, by ohn M. Bandel and Sons, citizens of the United States, to be registered as a vessel of the United States. Approved, September 30, 1890. Sentembezw, im. GHAP. 1121.-An act to authorize entryof the public lands by incorporated cities ·+———- and towns for cemetery and park purpose. . . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ruuuemnas United States of America in Congress assembled, That incorporated - Cities,etc,,maypur- cities and towns shall have the right, under rules and regulations
““,°f,§‘}_' prescribed by the Secretary of theglnterior, to purchase for cemetery
and park ptuipcses not exceeding one-quarter section of public lands Three-mile limit. not reserved or public use, such ands to be within three miles of such mm. cities or towns: rovided, That when such city or town is situated within a mining district, the land proposed to be taken under this act WWW shall be considered as mineral lands, and patent to such land shallnot authorize such city or town to extract mineral therefrom, but all such mineral shall be reserved to the United States, and such reservation shall be entered in such patent. Approved, September 30, 1890. Septembei-a0,18¤0. CHAP. 1122.-An act to authorize the Eagle Pass Water Supply Company and ‘*;·—-—-·- the Compania Proveedora de Agues de Ciudad fforlirio Diaz to connect their water works communications across e Rio Grande River at Eagle Pass, Texas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 1;; the B,%c,?,;’;__';{*:‘¥ United States of America in Congress assembled, That the agle tim denmrrovee Pass Water Supply Company, a corporation organized and created c?{3,d p,,$,‘,.{'§“D,f§ under and by virtue of the laws of the State of exas, and the Com- ?,?:,;,, C9,}:;; @1,;** pama Proveedora de Aguas de Ciudad Poriirio Diaz, created under ncross nm email and by virtue of the laws of the State of Coahuila, one of the States ¥,“f’ “E‘€'° ""· of the Republic of Mexico, be, and are hereby, authorized and empowered to construct, own, maintain, and operate their water connection by tubes, or otherwise, across the io Grande River, be- ‘·°°*¤°¤· tween_the city of Eagle Pass, in the State of Texas, and the city of Porlino Diaz, formerly known as Piedras N egras, in the State of Coahuila, in the Republic of Mexico, as may be most convenient to