7l8 FIFTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 73, 74, 76. 1891. January 15. 1891- 73.-,111n act for pl? regipf of the inhabitants of the town of Gallup, Ber- __'"`;'H' n 0 County, erritoryo ew exico. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the c°Q¤§f*;igi_B¤m1m° tL'nz`ted States of {lnzerica in Congress assembled, That the probate Ehtry or mwn-sue {lodge of Bernalillo County,_Terr1t0rty of New Mexico, be, and 1S L‘{,§,§§,?,§{’f °°°'“p“"’“ ereby, authorized to enter ID trust or the occupants and inhabitants of the town of Gallup, for town—s1te purposes, the southeast nemapmu, em. quarter of section sixteen, township fifteen nort , of range eighteen .. S s.-. "}"SE;..§’.€SY.2“S.t‘.$1§‘1}£’§J§°t£Td§2$”i‘”%“z*“H“"° “’ U? ""2"’iF}.°“"’
- _., wss. .- . o · * - an lg y-seven, wen y—· ree
"“" hundred and eighty-eight, and twenty-tl1ree hundred and eighty- nme of qhalpter eight of the Revised Statutes of the United States re ating o own si es. Indemnity school Sec. 2. That upon the passage of this act the Territory of New mm MEXICO, through its proper officer, shall be, and is hereby, authorized to select as indemmty for said land, and in full sat1sfaction thereof, R.S..¤¤c.1946.v.341. and forilthqpurppstés stated in section nineteen hundreld and fj-ortyd six o the evis tatutes, one quarter section of one undre an sixty acres of public lands at any office in said Territory, said selections to be made according to legal subdivisions and contiguous. Approved, January 15, 1891. ·1¤¤¤M’y 16.1891- CHAP. 'I4.—An act to authorize the Treasurer of the United States to receive """"*""‘ and keep on deposit funds of the Soldiers Home in the District of Columbia. ` Be it enacted by the Senate and House og Re resentattves of the §,<>{gi°T¤'H¤¤gkQ-Eé Igndedtptateg ag merica Fcmgress assem Zed,£l`hat the Treasurer urdludhn 1 ru u o the United States be, an 19 is hereby, authorized and directed to °“’··°’· 0 B S, receive and keep on deposit, subject to the checks or drafts of the treasurer of the So1dier’s Home in the District of Columbia, all funds which may now be under the control of the said Treasurer of the So1dier’s Home, or may hereafter be furnished him or in any man- _ ner come into his possession for use in defraying the current expenses of maintaining the said S01diers’ Home, and, upon the request Trausieigot nmdsgl: of said treasurer of the Soldiers’ Home, there shall be transferred, °”"N,,,°y"0‘,k_'“"'°' from funds to his credit with the United States Treasurer, and placed to his credit with the assistant treasurer of the United States in New York City, New York, such sums as he may rerpiire monthl or quarterly for lpayments on account of " out—do0r re ief " to memlzers of the said S0 diers’ Home residing at a distance therefrom. Approved, January 16, 1891. January 19, im. CHAP. 76.-An act supplementary to an act entitled "An act to authorize the `“""`*"“" construction of the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad in the District of Columbia." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatia.·es of the wg\*J;”¤R*;*§"*j;,° gg United States of America in Congress assembled, That the construc- 1£§».egc.g¤. xvasnngf. tion, maintenance, and use fO1' railway purposes of the turn—outs ,,,;;gL,,,c_ "t“’ " and sidings of the Raltimore and Potomac Railroad Comygny, now W Hp.11;i§¤?.v01.i6. pyxtepdicng fro]? its line? hitwlelen tlip alnacosttal or_l?Jas2epp panch of e o omac 1ver am e on r1 e. n e , n§§Q;'d*F‘:° into the several squares of grcimd kéiown and1db§ignat\dd1bI1`tgie sqmm. pla; Itgie city of Washingtoiihas follows; Square seven hundred am 11 y-seven; square seven undred and thirty-nine; uare six hundred and ninety-five ; square northwest of square sizgqhundred and ninety-five; square west of square six hundred and ninety-five; square north of square six hundred and ninety-seven: square east 0 square six hundred and forty-two; square north of square six