FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 76. 1891. 719 hundred and forty-two; square six hundred and forty-one; square five hundred and thirty-six; square four hi ndred and ninety-three; square south of square four hundred and sixty-three; square four hundred and sixty-four; square three hundred and eighty-six; s uare two hundred and sixty-seven; and square south of square twoqhundred and sixty-seven; is hereby authorized, but Congress may at an Revocation time revoke said authority, said tracks to be maintained in such manner as will least obstruct the public streets, avenues, or alleys sueaonstmeuou. on which said tracks are laid, and to be under the general supervis- S,,p,,,.,,;s,,,,,_ ion of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. Sec. 2. That it sh oe the duty of the Commissioners of the Dis- si¤i¤¤"i<=:0 ¤¤¤¤¤¤_is trict of Columbia, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, ngiiilies exs'cZ;?1i1;¤iik° whenever they consider it a public beneht, to grant the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Company permission to lay, maintain, and "use side-tracks and sidings from the main line or lines of said railroad into any real estate in the said city abutting on the streets or avenues on which such line of such company is or may be situated, east of Four-and—a—half street and south of Virginia and Maryland avenues, which may be used or occupied for manufacturing, commercial, or other business purposes b parties desiring the use of such facilities. Such side-tracks or sidlings shall be laid and maintained under the direction of said Commissioners, and in such manner as shall least obstruct the use of the public streets for ordinary sneer obstruction. purpiosesz Provided, That the right to revoke the use of said side 1=~¤m:w._ trac s or sidings is reserved to Congress. R°"°°°“'°“· Sec. 3. That the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Company is hereby authorized and empowered to acquire, subject to the approval Acquisition of me of said Commissioners, for the purposes of its business any one or BZ,§°"`P°"y’ M ms" more of the squares of ground in the city of Washington south of D°S°'*P“°¤·°*°~ the line of the said railroad and north of L street and east of Delaware avenue and north of the Eastern Branch and east of Thirteenth street southeast, and any one or more squares, as shall be alpproved by the said Commissioners, abutting on the line of said rai road on Maryland and Virginia avenues, east of Four-and-a-half street and south of its main track on Virginia avenue, a11d west of Twelfth street southwest, and to extend, maintain, and use tracks from con- sm mms. venient points on the line of said railroad into the said property, and to cross such streets as may be necessary for that purpose, and Crosslnzvtmcw. to construct thereon such facilities as may be necessary for its business as a common carrier, and approved by said Commissioners, and to maintain such facilities in connection therewith; such tracks, where they cross streets, to be laid and maintained under the direction of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and in such manner as shall least obstruct the use of said streets for ordi- _Minimum obstrucnary purposes. The right to remove such tracks is hereby reserved to "‘§é,,,(,,,,,1 of tmcks Congress. And in case said company shall be unable for any reason to acquire such (properties or any portion thereof by purchase they may be acquire by said company in the manner provided by sec- cemiemuimou protions numbered from six hundred and forty-eight to six hundred °°§"g‘§,S-C secs M and sixty-three, both inclusive, of the Revised Statutes, relating to 663,p;i.7i3,'1:9. ' the District of Columbia; but nothing herein contained shall author- Excepted property. ize the condemnation of any church or school property or property of the United States: Provided, That nothing contained in this act, mmm. and no expenditure that may be made by said railroad company smh street station hereunder shall be held or construed to give said company any right; ¤*¤¤¤¤<>¤· legal or equitable not now possessed to retain the passenger station of said com any on Sixth street. Sec. 4. That Congress hereby reserves the right to alter, amend, Amemmeueem. or repeal this act. Approved, January 19, 1891. •
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/772