730 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 100, 101. 1891. January 26,1001. CHAP. 100.-An act for the erection of a public building at the city of Staunton, 't";"'”"‘ v1I`g1II.18.’' . ` ` Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the smmmn,v»i. United States of America in Congress assem led, That the Secretary P“°"‘° b“m'""°°°` of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pursiw. _ chase or otherwise provide a site, and cause to be erected thereon a nuimiug. substantial and commodious building, with tire-proof vaults, for the use and accommodation of the post·office and internal-revenue office, and for other Government uses, at the city of Staunton, Virginia. The site, and building thereon, when completed upon plans and s cifications to be previously made and applroved by the Secretary cost. olethe Treasury, shall not exceed in cost the sum of seventy-five No purchase or said thousand dollars; nor shall any site be purchased until estimates gfgs:'*“g';§d°‘“‘ for the erection of a building which will furnish sufficient accommoppdations for the transaction of the public business, and which shall Limit or mining not exceed in cost the balance of the sum herein limited after the °°'°- site shall have been purchased and paid for, shall have been approved by the Secretary of the Treasury ; and no gurchase of site nor plan for said building shall be approved by the ecretary of the Treasury Limiwzmmena. involvin an expenditure exceeding the said sum of seventy-Eve thousancl dollars for site and building; and the site purchased shall 01>¤¤¤i>¤=¤· leave the buildin unexposed to danger from fire by an 0 en space Away. of at least forty geet, including streets and alleys: Provided, hat No expznditure until no part of said sum shall be expended until a valid title to the said '“““ ·°"°*l""* site shall be vested in the United States, nor until the State of Virginia shall code to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over the same, during the time the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof, for all purposes except the administration of the criminal laws of said State and the service of civil process therein. Approved, January 26, 1891. January $,1891. CHAP. 101.-An act to provide for the purchase of a site, and the erection of a · ’_‘;*·—·· public building thereon, at aint Albans, in the State of Vermont. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the gvibiicbwavr- M United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary 'of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to sm. ac uire, by urchase, condemnation, or otherwise, a site, and cause minding. _ to the erected) thereon a suitable building, including fire—proof vaults, heating and ventilating apparatus, elevators, and approaches, for ‘ the use and accommodation of the United States custom-house. postofiice, and other Government offices in the city of Saint Albans, and cm. State of Vermont, the cost of said site and building, including said vaults, heating and ventilating apparatus elevators, and approaches, complete, not to exceed the sum of sixty thousand dollars. vcmw M ¤¤· Proposals for the sale of lands suitable for said site shall be invited ` by pu lic advertisement in one or more of the newspapers of said ‘ city of largest circulation for at least twenty da s prior to the date specified in said advertisement for the opening ot, said proposals. R°*P°¤¤*>¤- Proposals made in response to said advertisement shall be addressed aud mailed to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall then cause the said proposed sites, and such others as he may think proper .1-,,,;E‘§*,,’¥°°,g*°,'{;,_°‘°··bY to designate, to be examined in person by an agent of the Treasury Department, who shall make written report to said Secretary of the results of said examination, and of his recommendation thereon, and the reasons therefor, which shall be accompanied by the original proposals and all maps, plats, and statements which shall have come into his possession re ating to said proposed sites. If, upon consideration of said report and accompanying papers, Am¤mmm0fmm_ the Secretary of the Treasury shall deem further investigation necminion, essary, he may appoint a commission of not more than three persons,
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