FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ons. 101-103. 1891. 731 one of whom shall be an officer of the Treasury Department, which commission shall also examine the said proposed sites, and such Examination others as the Secretary of the Treasury may designate, and grant such hearings in relation thereto as they shall deem necessary, and HearinB¤· said commission shall, within thirty days after such examination, make to the Secretary of the Treasury written report of their con- aspen. clusion in the premises, accompanied by all statements, maps, lats, or documents taken by or submitted to them, in like manner asliereinbefore provided in regard to the pxéoceedings of said agent of the Treasury Department; and the retary of the Treasury shall therteucpon finally determine the location of the building to be “Qi$)°:*m*¤*i¤¤ 0**0- erec e . The compensation of said commissioners shall be nxed by the Sec- c0§${*mgg:gg*‘°¤ °* retary of the Treasury, but the same shall not exceed six dollars per ' day and actual traveling expenses: Provided, however, That the Prvviwmember of said commission appointed from the Treasury Depart- '1‘m¤¤ury member. ment shall be paid only his actual traveling expenses. No money s all be used for the apurpose mentioned until a valid vfh€j,°g5g¤gggm:“g*“ title to the site for said building sh l be vested in the United States, ’ " ' nor until the State of Vermont shall have ceded to the United States exclusive Aurisdiction over the same, dining the time the United States sha be or remain the owner thereof, for all purposes except the administration of the criminal laws of said State an the service of civil process therein. - The building shall be unexposed to danger from nre by an open °P¢¤ ¤1¤°°· space of at least forty feet on each side, inc uding streets and alleys. Approved, January 26, 1891. CHAP. 102.-An act for the erection of a public building at Akron, Ohio. ·7¤¤¤¤ry ¤¤.1¤¥1- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Conyjress assembled, That the Secretary glfgglggyiging M of the Treasu.ry be, and is here y, authorized and directed to pur- . ‘ ` chase, or provide by condemnation, a site for, and cause to be erected SM thereon, a suitable building, with fire-proof vaults therein, for the BuMi¤s- accpmmodation of the post-office and other Government offices, at the city of Akron, State of Ohio. The plans, specincations, and full esti- E'“'“°°‘*°» °*°· mates for said building shall be previously made and approved according to law, and shall not exceed, for the site and building complete, the °¤¤°·_ sum of sevent Jive thousand dollars: Provided, That the site shall P'°””°· leave the building unexposed to danger from fire in adjacent buildings b an open space of not less than forty feet, including streets °P°" “*’“‘°°· and alleys; and no monely appropriated for this purpose shall be m’fi°_*{{g°§g*{Q*;”8g· available until a valid tit e to the site for said buil in shall be van` vested in the United States, nor until the State of Ohio 5;:111 have ceded to the United States exclusive pugrisdiction over the same, during the time the United States shall or remain the owner thereof, for all purposes except the administration of the criminal laws of the said State and the service of civil process therein. Approved, January 26, 1891. CHAP. 103.-An act to provide for the construction of a public building at January ¤1. 1991- Davenport, Iowa. _"`;"' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Davenport, iowa of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pur- P“b“° *’“’1d*”8·°°°· chase, acquire by condemnation, or otherwise provide a site and sm.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/784