736 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 116, 117, 121. 1891. El°F**°¤ ¤t ****8*% ¢>f Sec. 4. That in case of an increase in the number of Representa-
R°p°°°°m' tives which may be given to any State under this apportionment
such additional Representative or Representatives sha be elected by the State at large, and the other Representatives by the districts now prescribed by aw until the legislature of such State in the manner herein prescribed shall redistrict such State, and if there be no increase in the number of Representatives from a State the Re resentatives thereof shall be elected from the districts now rescrihed by law until such State be redistricted as herein prescriblwed by the legislature of said State. 1;,,.,.; Ec. 5. That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Approved, February 7, 1891. · pcb.-M.-y y, 1g9i_ CHAP. 117.-An act to prohibit the sale of tobacco to minors under sixteen -;-1- years of age in the District o Golumbia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the mmm of 00mm_ United States 0£A·me·rica in Congress assembled, That hereafter no Us person in the istrict of Columbia shall sell, give, or furnish any .,.,s#.°’,..j°{‘°·,".‘f,€,.°Z,"°,‘l.‘§,'T cigar, cigarette, or tobacco in any of its forms to any minor under °°°¤Y°•¤·P*°*=‘*·*'¤¢ sixteen years of age- and for each and evczy violation of this secmmny. tion the offender s all, on conviction, be fin not less than two dollars nor more than ten dollars, or be imprisoned for not less than five days nor more than twenty days. _ Approved, February 7, 1891. February 9, 1891. CHAP. 121.-A.n act to authorize the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company `“;";“ to bridge the Tug Fork of the Bi Sandy River at certain points, where the same forms the boundary line between die States of West Virginia and Kentucky. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatires of the muon mu wes:. United States of America in Congress assembled," That it shall be °"‘ °§·'§é lawful for the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company, a corporagi •gm1'}{•€¤¤g`;·gs>£ tion existing under the laws of Virginia and West irginia, to conwin . xs... struct and maintain bridges and applroaches thereto across the Tug mamma, bmw_ Fork of the Big Sandy River at suc tpoints where the same forms the boundary 11ne between the States o West Virginia and Kentucky as the said company may deem suitable for the passage of its road oyeg tlga said forkfoixthe Big Sandy River, subject tc the approval o 18 ecre ary o ar. xaswrm structures Sec. 2. That any bridge or bridges authorized to be constructed "` °°°"°°°°“‘ under this act sha 1 be lawful structures, and shall be recognized and known as plost routes, and the shall enjov all the rights and privileges of other post roads in the United States, upon which a so no higher charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mails, or for through passengers or freight passing over said bridge or bridges and approaches, than the rate er mile paid for transportation over the railroads leading to said bridge or ridges; Postal meg.-•p1.,ee.¤ and the United States shall have the right of way for postal telegraph and) telephonelpurposeshvvithout charges therefor across said bridge or F1 es an approac es. msscurlty of nnviss- Said bridge or bridges shall be built and located under aud Subject ‘ to such regulations for the security of navigation as the Secretary of War shall prescribe; and to secure that object the said company or corporation shall submit to the Secretary of War, for his examina- M¤¤¤.p|n¤s.¤¤=· tion and approval. a design and drawings of the bridge or bridges and a map of the location or locations, giving, for the space of one