FIFTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 121, 122, 123. 1891. 737 mile above and one mile below the proposed location or locations, the high and low water lines u on the banks of the river or rivers, the direction and strength of the current at all stages of the water, with the soundings, accurately showing the bed of the stream, and the location of any other bridge or bridges, such map to be suiiiciently in detail to enable the Secretary of War to judge of the proper location of said bridge, and shall furnish such other information as may be recgiired for a full and satisfactory understanding of the sub- {ect; and s ould any change be made in the plan of said bridge or cnnngeoz pun. ridges durin the progress of construction or after completion, such changes shalldie su ject to the approval of the Secretary of War. Sec. 3. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hereby Ameuduieunew. expressly reserved, and the right to require an changes in said structures, or any of them, or their entire removal at the ex use of S¢¤¤¤¤¤=¤ <=¤-¤¤8¢¤- the owners thereof, or the corporation or persons controlhh the samehwhenever the public interest requires it, is also expressly reserv Sme. 4. That on any bridgp or bridges constructed imder the pro- Lights ew. visions of this act there sha be maintained, at the expense of the company or corporation owning or controlling the same, such lights and other signa s as may be qréascribed by the Light-House Board. Sm. 5. That this act shall null and void if actual construction Commeucementand of the bridges herein authorized be 110t completed within three years °°'“P*°°*°°- from the date hereof. ` Approved, February 9, 1891. CHAP. 122.-An act to amend sections twelve hundred and sixteen, and twelve F<>bY¤¤¤‘Y °·l99i· hundred and eighty-five of the Revised Statutes relative to certificates of merit to _"`-"`-`- enlisted men of the Army. Be it enacted b the Senafe and House of Re rese·ntati»ves of the Cg¤‘¤¤°¤*°¤*>f ¤!¤<>*i* United States ofAyme rica, in Congress assembled, That section twelve gi-gn hundred and sixteen, Revised Statutes, be, and is hereby, amended m§é§5j'j°·**‘°·P·2’”· to read: " Sec. 1216. That when any enlisted man of the Army shall have distinguished himself in the service the President may, at the recommendation of the commanding officer of the regiment to which such enlisted man belongs, grant him a certificate o merit, " Sec. 2. That section twelve hundred and eighty-five, Revised Stat- ,,,E;,,”§;,§,€S·’*“5·°·““°· utes, be, and is hereby, amended to read: " Sec. 1285. A certificate of merit granted to an enlisted man for distin ruished service shall entitle him, from the date of such service, to additional pay at the rate of two dollars per month while he is in the military service, although such service may not be continuous? Approved, February 9, 1891. CHAP. 123.-An act to autnorize the construction of a bridge across the Cum- February 9. 1891. berland River for the use of the Chesapeake and 1\ashv1lle Rai way, and for other *—;··-v·- purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep¢·esem‘afiz·es of fhe Un lied States of Anzer/{ea in Congress assembled, That the Chesaeake and Nashville Railway Company, a corporation organized un- Ng{,$f,$l’°§§§§§? der and pursuant to the laws of the tates of Kentucky and Tennessee, gggmx ;H¤p,Q;51§·: or its successors, be. and is hereby, authorized to construct and main- point in Tennessee. tain a bridge over the Cuxnberlaud Rl\’cI‘ at Such point in Trousdale Location.
- or Sumner and lVilson or Davidson counties, in the State of Tennessee, as it may select, subject to the approval of the Secretary of War.
srsr L——v0L xX\*1——l7