Firrvmnsr conenmss. srss. II. on. 126. 1891. 741 Sec. 2. That said company shall, within two years after the as- °°m¤·¤¤°¤¤¤¤¤°· sage of this act, locate and commence the construction of said haidvor at a point to be selected by them off Padre Island, coast of Texas. I»<>¢¤¤i¤¤· Commencing at the water’s edge and running at an an le to the shore they s all construct a vi act of the most approved modern Viaduct. plan, extending seaward until a depth of, say, twenty-seven feet of Depth 0* w¤*¤¤‘- water is reached; thence continuing in the same direction they shall construct a sea-wall until thirty eet or more of water is reached; wwwthence turning southward at an angle or curve which shall throw the sea-wall paral el, or nearly so, with the shore-line of Padre Island they shall construct a sea—wal three thousand feet in length, said sea- umu. wall to be placed upon a base of riprap or other suitable foundation, B¤¤¢¤¤¤*‘¤'L upon whic shall be constructed a wa l of concrete of such form of structure as the engineer officer of said company may hereafter adopt, twenty-two feet thick, more or less, and twenty-nine feet high, H°‘•¥"’·°“’· reaching eleven feet above mean low water. They shall also construct breakwaters of sufficient length and so placed as to protect B¤*¤kW¤*¤¤‘¤· the shore end of the viaduct, and another of sufficient length and so placed as to protect the entrance to the embayed space, thus form- Dimensions. ew. of ing an outer harbor sufficient in extent to afford ockage for, and °"°°r mm" accommodation at its wharves for, thirty of the largest ocean steamers afloat and two hundred or more smaller vessels or coasters at one time, and shall complete said work within four years from ¤<>¤¤v1¢¤i¤¤- the commencement of the same. When completed, the embayed space or harbor shall be, and is hereby, declared to be a harbor of ug·;{{;,°v'¥j•_;fe‘?{;_j‘°*”" refuge for the vessels of all nations and such vessels as may touch fo; orders, free of charge, except such vessels as may land at the Exceptions. w arves. Sec. 3. That in consideration of the free use of the embayed : pace ']P¤¤·¤ cwzw ¤¤¤ or harbor as a harbor of refuge for the vessels of all nations except vessels which land at and use the wharves, and in further consideration of the vast benefit to the general commerce of the whole country and in lieu of any money appropriations for the improvement of the said coa t, the said company shall be allowed to charge and collect such reasonable port charges and wharfage as may be prescribed by regplations t at may e made by the Secretary of the Secretary or we Treasu of the United States, in conformity with the laws of the Tr°°°`""° "‘°°""‘ USit0dztThS·t h f rt h hall b h d t 1 Curse. nc. 4. a no w ar age or 0 c arges s e c arge uni ewafter the said improvement shall have been inspected by a board of e,m°,§‘,,}f’ ·“'”" three en ineers of the United States Army, apxpointed y the Secretary of §Var for the purpose, and found to ave been fully completed in accordance with the terms of this act and until such report shall have been approved b the Secretary of War. Sec. 5. That the United States Government specially reserves the G(f{g§;>:g¤,"g:°¤gg right at its option to take said works upon payment to the owners possession, eee. . thereof the actual value of the same at the time of taking, which value shall be determined by a board of engineers of the United “?¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤vi¤¤ or States Army, to be appointed by the Secretary of War for the pur- "°‘ ose. _ _ P Sec. 6. The rights herein granted to the “Corpus Christi and ,,s§‘Z,§"f,§,"b‘,§‘}f‘§{LY"“ Padre Island Har or Compa;1(y" are upon the con ition that there shall be no discrimination m e in favor of or against any individual or corporation in regard to the use of said har r or its approaches by land or water. Sec. 7. That the said Corpus Christi and Padre Island Harbor Mgywv I-¤¤¤¤• Company be, and hereby is, authorized and empowered to construct _ _ bridges across Laguna Madre from the main land to Padre Island, g" °(f,”,',;‘§§?, in accordance wit such plans and specifications as the Secretary of nppmvc slam War may approve. Approved, February 9, 1891.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/794