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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/795

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742 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 127. 1891. February 10, 1891. CHAP. 127.-An act further to prevent counterfeiting or manufacture of dies, `—Y_;"“ tools, or other implements used in counterfeiting, and providing penalties therefor, and providing for the issue of search warrants in certain cases. Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the mfgygtfgtff dk;' United States of America in Congress assernbled, That every person ¤¢c.,¤sedip.ew. ’ who, within the United States or any Territory thereof, makes any ,p1?‘1Eg;,$‘{°05Z?°57*‘°2* die, hub, or mold, either of steel or plaster, or any other substance uging dies .¤§¤·· whatsoever in likeness or similitude, as to the design or the inscripose for comm . . . . . . com or the United tion thereon, ot any die, hub, or mold des1g11ated or the coming or S°°°”· making of any of phe geénéine gohd,tnlver,§1ickel, plronzg. copper pr other coins o the United States t a ave een or erea ter may e Assisting. coined at the mints of the United States, or who willingly aids or as- . sists in the making of any suc? die, hub, or mold, or alpybpart thnirieof, mmm . or who causes or procures to e made any such die u or mo , or g an art thereof, without authority from the Secretary of the Treas- Y P . Having in posses- ury of the United States or other proper officer, or who shall have in "*°“· his possession any such die, hub, or mold with intent to fraudulently remming me use. or unlawfully use the same, or who shall permit the same to be used . for or in aid of the counterfeiting of any of the coins of the United `P¤¤¤1¢i¢¤- States hereinbefore mentioned shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars and by imrisonment at hard labor not more than ten years, or both, at the iscre ion o e cou . Making. ew., dies, E0. 2. a ever person W o W1 in e n1 e a es or any SiS tl Tlittl rt h 'th` th U 't d St t · Territory thereof, without lawfuhauthority, makes, or willingly aids ‘ or assists in makin , or causes or rocures to be made, an die, hub, S P Y or mold, epalhexi cg steel or of plnstgr, or of ngrlpy ofher substance whatsoever, in e i eness or simi i u e as o e esi or the inscription thereon, of anyfdie, hpb, or mgld designatted fdiil the coming of ·0¤¤¤¤¤1i¤z. etc- the genuine coin o any oreign overnmen or w o concea s or shall have in possession any such die, hub, dr mold hereinbefore mentioned, Wit intent to fraudulently, or unlawfully use the same for counterfeiting any foreign coin, or who knowingly suners the same to be fraudulently used for the counterfeiting of any foreign Penalties. coin shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a iine of not more than two thousand dollars or imdprisonment at hard labor 11ot more _ _ W than five years, or both, at theh iscreltion of tn1e court. mw wkahs,¤g,I2Q'g{£; Sec. 3. That every person W o ma es, O1 W 0 causes or procures °n:rm:>n¤m¤¤r_:0»sg¤ to betmade, orilwno Brmgs into the United Sttates férom tany fpreign ‘ coun ry, or W o s 1a ave 111 possession Wl in en o se , give away, or in any other manner use the same, any business or professional card, notice, placard, tpkgln, device, nrint, or impression, or any other thing whatsoever w et er of meta or its com oun or of any other substance whatsoever, in likeness or similitu<i)e, as to design, color, or the inscription thereon, of any of the coins of the United States or of any foreign Government, that have been or hereafter may be issued as money, either under the authority of the United States or under the authority of a11y foreign Government P°¤¤·l*Y· shall, upon (poinyfction thereof, be punished by a fine 11ot to exceed one hundre dollars. °{Q,‘f_‘Q"‘§,,‘ff’ ‘f,*}°}’;§ Sec. 4. That all counterfeits of any of the obligations or other se- Eiiwd Stews or for- curities of the United States or of any foreign Government, or coun- °‘€{{§f;;’;?$f§,”54l5_ terfeits of any of the coins of the United States or of any foreign P·m%m em for Government, and all material or apparatus fitted or intended to be mm;. ’ " used, or that shall have been used, in the making of any of such counterfeit obligations or other securities or coins hereinbefore mentioned, that shall be found in the possession of any person without authority from the Secretar of the reasury or other proper officer to have the F°"°““'°·°*°· same, shall be taken possession of by any authorized agent of the Treasury Department and forfeited to the United States. and disposed of in any manner the Secretary of the Treasury may direct.