FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 127, 128. 1891. 743 Sec. 5. That the several judges of courts established under the Issue or sen-cnwer laws of the United States and the commissioners of such courts may, mm “‘ °°"“‘" °“"°s· upon proper oath or affirmation, within their respective jurisdictions, issue a search warrant authorizing any marshal of the United States, or any other person gpecially mentioned in such warrant, to enter any house, store, buil ing, boat, or other lace named in such wa1·· rant, in the daytime only, in which there shall appear probable cause ¥¤ deytims <>¤1Y· <>¤ for believing that the manufacture of counterfeit money, or the con- pr°b°b ° °°°S°` cealment of counterfeit money, or the manufacture or concealment of counterfeit obligations or coins of the United States or of any foreign Government, or the manufacture or concealment of dies hubs, molds, plates, or other things ntted or intended to be used for the manufacture of counterfeit money, coins, or obligations of the United States or of an foreign Government, or of an bank doing business under the authority of the United States or off any State or Territory thereof, or of any bank doing business under the authority of an Y foreign Government or of any political division of any foreigln Government, is being carried on or practiced, and there searc for any such counterfeit money, coins, dies, hubs, molds, Search plates, and other things, and for any such obligations, and if any such be found, to seize and secure the same and to make return seazureem. thereof to the proper authority; and all such counterfeit money, For-feitures. coins, dies, hubs, molds, plates, and other things and all such counterfeit obligations so seized shall be forfeited to the United States. Approved, February 10, 1891. , CHAP. 128.-An act toamend an act entitled "An act to regulate commerce/’ February 10, 1891. approved February fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven. `Li Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section twelve mmemge Commerce 7 of an act entitled "An act to regulate commerce," approved Feb- C°mm*”*°¤· mary fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, be, and it is hereby, von. 24, p. ssa, amended so as to read as follows: °""’“d°d‘ " Sec. 12. That the Commission hereby created shall have authority mizeve, cw. of comto inquire into the management of the business of all common carriers °°' sub 'ect to the provisions of this act, and shall keep itself informed as to the manner and method in which the same is conducted, and shall have the right to obtain from such common carriers full and complete information necessary to enable the Commission td perform the duties and ca * out the objects for which it was created , and the Commission ilshereby authorized and required to execute and enforce Enforcement or the the provisions of this act; and, upon the request of the Commission, l““`· it shall be the duty of any district attorney of the United States to whom the Commission may apply to institute in the proper court and to prosecute under the direction of the Attorney—General of the United States all necessary proceedings fOl’ the enforcement of the rrmeeamgs. provisions of this act and for the punishment of all violations thereof, and the costs and expenses of such prosecution shall be paid out cuggsggy ¤¤=·.¤f1>r<>¤<> of the appropriation for the expenses of the courts of the United ' States; and for the purposes of this act the Commission shall have power to require, by su pcena, the attendance and testimony of wit- Power to send gmnesses and the roduction of all books, papers, tariffs, contracts, p°"’°°s and p°p°"‘ agreements, andp documents relating to any matter under investigation. "Such attendance of witnesses, and the production of such doc- Arreraanee of witumentary evidence, may be required from any place in the United ”°““’"°· States, at any designated place of h6H»I‘1I1g. And in case of disobe- nnpbedjermmeemdience to a subpoena the Commission, or any party to a proceeding “'““’°“”“'°P°°“
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