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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/799

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746 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 129, 130. 1891. said irrigation company in such manner as the Secretary of the I11- terior shall preseri be before any right under this act shall accrue to said company. im ¤¤<>¤·¤s¤s~· sw-- Sec. 4. That said company shall not assign, or transfer, or mort- §°3sT$.gti3E’Zl$»I gage its of way; fpr any puppoisejwhatever until saidlctanal shall ·' e com e ; excep , owever, a ecompany may mo ga esa1 franchige for the purpose of ralfsinghmonxiy to clonsgruct am? build Pr · . said canal: And provided furt er, at the rig therein granted mm shall be lost and forfeited by said company unless the canal is conoompieueu. structed across said reservation within three years from the passage 0f this act. Immedinwentryfor Sec. 5. That the right of immediate entry upon the lands of said ’°"°”‘ reservation for the purpose of making surveys of the line of the ditch mmimm. or canal of said complany isilherpby grantedilbut no rigiht olf) any kind in or to an part 0 the rig t 0 way or other groun s a ove men- _S9f;¤t;wbg1;1ww;h tioned shall vest in said comlpany until plats thereof, made ulpon ry ° ""°"°actual survey for the dennite ocation of said ditch or canal, inc uding the points for dams, reservoirs, and distributing ditches, with the amount of ground requisite for such purposes, shall be tiled with hfljgvggdmgst f<>I* the Secretary of the Interior, and until he compensation for said saws- mmm. lands and for the services of said Commissioners as been fixed and , pai . "°'·¤P·’m· Sec. 6. That whereas under the provisions of the act of Congress above mentioned the lands of said reservation are soon to be allotted. to the Indians belonging thereto in severalty, the Secretary of the S9¤~¤t:wm<;£I19;)¤uI; Interior shall hold the moneys paid to him by said company for right mms mama go.- of way and other grounds, as a ve provided, until such allotment éwmrggmgg in severalty shall ave been perfecte , and thereupon he shall ay ues ove; tlhe Indiamsép whom ihagl be allottid the lanc;s1tl1;avirse)dpby sai 1 c or cana eamoun .0 compensa 1011 assess yt e om- ’ missioners as properly appertaining to the tract of land to each In- _¤g*;gYt'j)‘°§€’§tj,*£` 33;*; dian allotted. Payments for improved or inclosed lands held by mmm land-holders. Indians prior to such allotment and damaged by the construction of slaid gitch ordcanal shall bg made to the sewgeralgiédians affected ‘ there y imme iate y upon the ap raisement o said ommissioners V<>¤¤¤¤¤¤> b¤¤1¤<*· being made, and vouchers for suclh payments, attested by the agent in charge of the reservation, shall be filed by said company with the Semipgaary of the Ipterior at the time of Bling its plat of location of sai itc or cana . rumzum. Sino. 7;. That any failure in the performance of the conditions prescribed in this act shall be taken and deen1ed to work a forfeiture of the rights hprein gaanted, without any act of Congress or judgment 0 cou ec aring e same.

  • ¤°¤*¤°¤°· Sec. 8. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hereby

reserved. Approved, February 10, 1891. February 10, ·1801. CHAP. 130.-An act to amend sections forty-seven hundred and eighty-three and ""*'“ fifty-four hundred aud eighty-six of the Revised Statutes. vide it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the

m¤t_m__ Dmted States of America in Congress assem Zed, hat Sections forty-
 m seven hundre _ and eighty-three and fifty-four hundred and eighty-

.,3 $455; ,_ {tm; sixtof tl:} Reyisied Statutes be, and the same are hereby, so amended •*¤¤¤¤¤¤- as 0 re as 0 owe: cémfw ·>f ¤¤¤· “Every guardian, conservator, curator, committee, tutor, or other ' person having chargp and custody in a fiduciary capacit * of the ension of his ward, w o shall embezzle the same in violation ofp his