FIFTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 130, 131,163. 1891. 747 trust, or fraudulently convert the same to his own use, shall be pun- Penalty. ished by iine not exceeding two thousand dollars or imprisonment at hard labor for a term not exceeding ive years, or both, at the discretion of the court. " Approved, February 10, 1891. CHAP 131.-—An act to provide for an additional associate Justice of the supreme February 11, 1691. court of Arizona. mm- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafter the _ supmmetom me supreme court of the Territory of Arizona shall consist of a chief jus- °* tice and three associate justices, any three of whom shall constitute a ven. 12, p. 'css quorum; but no justice shall act as amember of the supreme court in °"é?,',§§i,j°2gm,,,, of Su; any action or proceeding brou ht to such court by writ of error, bill 9F3E1g ,_gJ¤u¤¤· of exception, or appeal from a decision, judgment, or decree rendered ` by him as Ogudge of a district court, unless one of the other justices is Disqualified m sn. disqualiii to sit in such action. Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the President to appoint one nppomtmenter suadditional associate jlustice of said suupreme court in manner now pro- SQLYM ““°°‘““ *"s' vided by law, who s all hold his office for the term of four years, 'i‘¢¤¤<>f <>¤i·¤<>- and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Sec. 3. That the said Territory shall be divided into four judicial juf,’{g;**gl!S,j|Pc*:;h *0*** districts, and a district court shall be held in each district by one of the justices of the supreme court thereof, at such time and place as rel-me of wm-t. is or may be prescribed bylaw. Each judge, after assignment, shall B¤¤id¤¤<=¤- reside in the district to which he is assigned. Sec. 4. That the present chief justice and his associates are hereby mQ{f*°¤ md **8*** _ vested with wer and authority, and they are hereby directed to divide said '1`giiritory into four judicial districts, and make such assignments of the judges provided for in the nrst Section of this act as shall in their judgment be meet and proper: Provided, That said Mensa. districts shall be subject to such changes as the Territorial Assembly oumgssmnm-ms. of the said Territory may enact. Sec. 5. That the said istrict court shall have jurisdiction, and the ¤f ¤** same is hereby vested, to hear, try, and determine all matters and n s., m. 1010, p. causes that the courts of the other districts of the Territory now pos- ”'· sess; and for such purposes two terms of said court shall be held an- rem;. nually, at such places within said district as may be designated by the chief justice and his associates, or a majority of them; and grand ·¥¤¤¤¤ and petit jurors shall be summoned thereon in the manner now required by law. _ Sec. 6. That all offenses committed before the passage of this act e¤§°¤d*¤8 °"°¤°°¤- shall be prosecuted, tried, and determined in the same manner and with the same efect (except as to the number of judges) as if this act ` had not passed. Approved, February 11, 1891. CHAP. 163.-An act to provide for the disposal of the abandoned Fort Ellis F¢b¤'¤¤’Yi$· i99i· military reservation in Montana under the homestead law, and for other purposes. H Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ame rica in Congress assembled, That the Secretary F¤1‘¤ EWS lgiiligirw of the Interior be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to cause renighmgi, be the lands embraced within the abandoned Fort Ellis military reser- °P°° *° h°'”"°*°° °°‘ vation in Montana to be regularly surveyed by an extension of the uibuesurveyed. public surveys over the unsurveyed portions thereof.
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