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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/801

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748 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 163, 164. 1891. S¢¤**<>¤. md *0* Sec. 2. That there is hereby granted to the State of Montana, one g33e2in?: my section of said reservation, to be selected according to legal subdivisions so as to embrace the buildings and improvements thereon to be used b said State as a ermanent militia camp-ground, or for other public purpose in the cliscretion of the State Legislature: Pro- Prmrko. vided, That whenever the State shall cease to use said lands for nsvmm. public pur ses the same shall revert to the United States. _ nemsuan gi-mea Sec. 3. That the remainder of said reservation, or any portion

  • °S’“”°· thereof may be selected by the State of Montana at any time within

I_,,,,,m,,,,,,_ one year after the_ approval of the survey thereof, in tracts of notless than one section, in square form and according to legal sub-divisions as a part of the lands granted to said State under thinlprovision of Vol. 25, p. svc. "An act to provide for the admission of the State of ontana into the Union," approved February twenty-second, eighteen hundred rmm. and eighty-nine. And the Secretary of the Interior shall cause_patpromo;. ents for the lands so selected to be issued to the said State: Provided, mmm; rights. That no existing lawful rights to any of said lands initiated under any of the laws of the United States shall be invalidated by this act: Lmd"u,,jmu,,m_ Provided, That if any portion of said reservation shall remain unsegm °¤:¤wg_;•;dm¤;:; lected by said State for a period of one year after the approval of the _ ,,,,5, y survey, that portion remaining unselected shall be_su ject to entry mmmm; inns, under the general land_and mining laws of the United States: Pro- $§_°°"“’*°*°°“°l°°` vzded further, That if withan said period of one year the Governor of said State shall officially notify the Secretary of the Interior that the State has completed its selections, then the Secretary shall at once prgcllaimrgslhe relpaiining lands eggn tp e=ip;{·1ybas afopessgrilgo And pro- No w,;,,,, of ht vi e fu er, a notintac s e cons ru waive or %"€* mg"` ’“E?€°£?0‘2‘i’Q `iliziél ‘%§i“f¤2fRat”°1mnU"”5?,£"”§ i%§2¥é.ihFoi“£f$ r e a , ' tailure past or future, to comply with the conditions of the grant. Approved, February 13, 1891. Febmary 13, 1891. CHAP. 164.-An act to authorize the construction of a tunnel under the waters www of the bav of New York, between the town of Middletown, in the county of Richmond, and the town of New Utrecht, in the county of Kings, in the State of New York, and to establish the same as a post-road. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 1~:ew.1»¤eym1sm· United States o America in C'ongres.s· assembled, That it shall be °;€,§‘¤,»l2.$“‘§ .,{,§"{,€,t{§’“ lawful for the ew Jersey and Staten Island Junction Railroad Com- §;¤¥g_;¤;*lI§;iv;;)<£ pzanyg a corporation existing under the laws of the State of New mizew mEeem,:~:.Y. or , to build and maintain a tunnel under the waters of the bay of New York, from a point in the town of Middletown, in the county of Richmond, in said State, to a point in the town of New Utrecht, R¤i¤r<>·¤1t¤n¤el. in the county of Kings, in said State, for the passage of railroad trains, engines, and cars in and through the same, an to lay in a11d ·r¤¢n,e¢e. through said tunnel such and so man railway tracks as may be necessary for the use of said company, andy such connections or extensions thereof as may be made, and for the use and more perfect connection of any and al railroads that are or shall be constructed to the said use by Dam com. points, and that all railway com anies desiring to use the said tunnel ¥"“"”· _ shall have and be entitled to equail rights and privileges in the passage through the same, and in the use of the tracks and Hxtures thereof, and Terms. of a1l the approaches thereto, for a reasonable compensation, to be pmdljio the owifrg oé said tugnelpunlder and upop sught term? and con 1 1ons as s a e agree to the owners o said unne an mmm. such other railway companies: Psiovided, however, That in case nssagreemem. such parties can plotlspl agri; thenil and in suchhcaie, surih otli1er rail; way com ess a ave e rig t to so use the unne un er suc terms and conditions as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of War, after hearing the allegations and proof of the respective parties.