148 FIFTY- SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I CHS. 165, 16S. 1892.
- {*§;*&g;m;;¤ *0 Sec. 2. That, if the revenue of the Post—Office Department shall be
minsufficient to meet the appropriations made by this act, a sum equal to such deficiency of the revenues of- said Department is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply said deficiencies in the revenue of the Post- Oflice Department for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three.
- ’t:¤‘¤*¤t·;¤F CM, *:1- Sec. 3. That the Postmaster-General is hereby authorized and
3a-iii°° " directed to expend the amount appropriated by the act entitled "An act making appropriations for the service of the Post-Oiiice Depart- V01.26,p.10T9. ment for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two," approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, for the purchase of “ certain books and records " which are especially referred to and described by the Attorney-General in his letter to the Postmaster-General of October twentieth, eighteen hundred and ninety- Promo:. one: Provided, That the amount thus appropriated by said act has not If °‘"“ “°* "‘“‘· yet been expended: Provided also, That the purchase of said books is nemimuenastamty recommended by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Attorney §§‘§'f{f,’,Z,fy'{"G§f,'e‘§;{j General, and that in their judgment said books would be valuable as aids in protecting the Government against overpayments and frauds, and in facilitating the settlement of mail contractors’ accounts, and claims now pending in the office of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post-Office Department and the Court of Claims: Provided further, P¤i¤*>· That the purchase price to be paid for said books shall be such sum (within the limit of the appropriation) as may be agreed upon between - the Postmaster-General, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Attorney-General, or by any two of them and the party having possession of said books or his duly authorized attorneys. Eweriirs coiumumu Sec. 4. That the Po tmaster-General is hereby authorized to es- ’p°”' `°"' tablish in the Government Building, upon the ground of the B¤*¤¢*¤ ¤¤¤¤¤· World’s Columbian Exposition, a branch station of the Chicago Illi- Appmpnaum. nois, Post-Oiiice; and there is hereby appropriated the sum of forty thousand dollars, for clerks, letter carriers, and incidental expenses necessary to maintain the same and a further sum of twenty-three '1`¤¤¤¤1>¤¤¤¤<>¤· thousand dollars for transportation of mails by Railroad and Mail Messenger Service, the branch office herein provided to begin not earlier than January first, eighteen hundred and ninety three. jrrmspomam of Sec. 5. That hereafter the Postmaster-General is authorized to pro- ‘,§$§§f1,}2‘#”‘°’ by °" vide for the transportation of official matter of any Department of the Government, over any railroad or express company, whenever he can do so at a saving to the Government and without detriment to the Pruuiro. _ public service: Provided, That nothing in this section shall apply to ,,.f‘§Q§,f;§}f""* ‘“"' official matter {ranked by members ot'Uongress. Elmgipéetivghvg Sno 6. That the Postmaster-General is hereby authorized and di- £.'f.n,,, " '“*“’ ° rected to examine into the subject of a more rapid dispatch of mail matter between large cities, and post-office stations and transportation terminals located in large cities, by means of pneumatic tubes or other systems, and make report upon the expense, cost, and advantages of said systems when applied to the mail service of the United States, and the sum of ten thousand dollars is hereby appropriated therefor. Approved, July 13, 1892. yu], M_1E9g_ Chap. 168.-An act to amend_an act entitled "An act to amend the statutes in re- -—-——-——--— lation to immediate transportation of dutiable goods, and for other purposes," a - prowed June tenth. anno _Domini, eighteen hundred and eighty, by extending the privileges of the first section thereof to the port of Fernandma, Florida. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United F¢r¤¤¤g1i¤==. Fla- States of America in Congress assembled, That the privileges of the ,_“g:,$;Q`!Q§;gg*gf’· first section of the act approved June tenth, anno Domini eighteen v01_ 2,_P_1?3_ hundred and eighty, entitled “An act to amend the statutes in relation