FIFTY-SECOND CON GRESS. Sess. I. Gus. 168-170. 1892. 149 to immediate transportation of dutiablc goods, and for other purpe»ses," bc, and the same are hereby, extended to the port ofFoI'D3»I1dl1l2:\7 Florida. Approved, July 14, 1892. CHAP. 169. A.n act to establish an intermediate rate of pension between thirty July 14, 1892. dollars and cvcnty-two dollars por month. · · Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represcma,ti¢1c0 of the United States of America in Oongress assembled, That soldiers and sailors who Pensxons. are shown to be totally incapacitated for performing manual labor by hf,“lfjcQ{J{‘;f{’ f§q"f}§}{ reason of injuries received or disease contracted in the service of the mz frequenf ¤¤¤¤<1— United States and in line of duty, and who arc thereby disabled to °"°°‘ such a. degree as to require hcquent and periodical, though not regular and constant, personal aid and attendance of another person, shall be entitled to receive a, pension of fifty dollars per month from and aiicr the date of the certificate of tho examining surgeon or board of examining surgeons showing such degree of disability, and made subsequent to the passage of this act. Approved, July 14, 1892. CHAP. 170:-An act to authorize the Lake Charles Road and Bridge Com any, of July 14.1892 Lake Charles, Louisiana, to construct and maintain bridges across Euglisg Bayou`—*_“ and Calcasicu River. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United . States of America. in Congress assembled, That it shall be lawful for tho lake charles Bud Lake Charles Road and Bridge Company, a. corporation created and §'§, }§,'f§}fE‘; °§§Q“u‘}K existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Louisiana, or gym? 0¤1•·¤¤*·¤ its assigns, to erect, construct, and maintain a bridge over the English V"' ”` Bayou and a. bridge over Calcasicu River, in the State of Louisiana, at such points upon said bayou and river in township nine south and range eight west as may be found advantageous. Said bridges shall be constructed to provide for the passage of wagons and vehicles ofall kinds, b $§=¤g¤¤. fwf, vw-. for the transit of animals, foot passengers, and of all kinds of com- " g"' merce, travel, or communication, and said corporation may charge and receive such reasonable tolls therefor as may be approved from time tu T011s- time by the Secretary of Wa.1·. Sec. 2. That auch of said bridges shall be constructed as drawbridgcs, 1>¤¤w¤- with an opening over the center of the channel of such width as the Secretary of War shall determine and which shall not be less than thirty feet in the clear across Englisln Bayou aud not less than fifty feet in the clear across Calcnsimn River: Provided also, That said draws shall Prvviw. be opened promptly upon reasonable signal for tho passage of boats, 0p•-mugnmm vessel, or other water craft, and in no case shall unnecessary delay occur; and said company or corporation shall maintain, at its own expense, fiom sunset to sunrise, such lights or other signals 011 said Lizlm M- bridges as the Light House Board shall prescribe, and such sheer booms or other structures as may be necessary to safely guide vessels, boats, rafts, or other water craft safely through said draw openings as shall be designated and required by the Secretary of War. Sec. 3. That said bridges shall be built and located under and sub- §Q{’*" ject to such regulations for the security of navigation of said bayou and river as the Secretary of War shall prescribe, and to secure that · object the said company or corporation shall submit to the Secretary of War, for his examination and approval u design and drawings of the bridges and a map of the location, given for the space of one mile above and one mile below the proposed location the topography of the banks of the bayou and river, the shore lines at high and low water, the direction and strength of the current at all stages, and the soundings, accurately showing the bed of the streams, and shall furnish such