376 rrmrr-suoo1~rn eosennss. Sess. 1. eu. eso. 1892. I‘*¤P¤¤•¤•- For fuel, lights, oil, waste, packing, tools, matches, paints, brushes, brooms, lanterns, rope, nails, screws, lead, electric lights, heating apparatus, oil stoves for elevator car and upper and lower iloor, repairs to engines, boilers, dynamos, elevator, and repairs of all kinds connected with the monument and machinery, and purchase of all necessary articles for keeping the monument, machinery, elevator, and electric-light plant in good order, three thousand dollars. ria-ny., emit Frsu-WAYS AT GREAT FALLS: To complete the erection of fish-ways F“"" at the Great Falls of the Potomac, fifteen thousand dollars. Military wa. MILITARY Posrs. coma-mats, em. For the construction of buildings at and the enlargement of such military posts as, in the judgment of the Secretary of War, may be rmcm. necessary, four hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That sixty thou- ‘*’°'“ °°°*‘ sand dollars of the sum herein appropriated may be used, in case the Secretary of War shall regard it necessary for the public interest, to commence the erection of buildings including hospital at the military · post near Little Rock, Arkansas, when the conditions of the act ap- 4,,,, p_ 2, proved April twenty-third eighteen hundred and ninety-two, to estab- ' lish said post shall have been complied with: Provided further, That F rt M Ki not exceeding fifty thousand dollars of the sum herein appropriated w,‘,{_ ° “°"’ may be used for reconstructing Fort McKinney, Wyoming: Provided further, That the one huhdred thousand dollars appropriated by act approved May twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninety two, for the estab- H¤1¤¤¤.M¤¤¢- lishment of a military post at Helena, Montana, may be used, when A"'°· P- “· title to the land shall have been acquired not only for locating the post S<=w¤r¤z¤· cre and the construction of buildings, but also in providing proper sewerreq: on northern age and an adgguate water supply. And the Secretary of War is """"°'· hereby authoriz to establish a military post at apoint near the northern frontier, where he may, in his judgment, deem it for the public good: ¤"•*°*··*•¤¤°·¤· Provided, That suitable land for the purpose is donated tree of cost to do UnitegcStates, and that the title shall be declared valid by the ttorney- nom . §g:I§¥;,*f*€*··,A*k· ARMY AND NAVAL HOSPITAL: For improvement and maintenance of grounds about the Army and Naval Hospital at Hot Springs, Arkansas, seven thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars and sixty cents. ,,,E}:’,,}';‘°“° N" Inrnovnunnr or rim Ynrmowsromz NATIONAL PARK: For the I¤Provement,etc. improvement of the Yellowstone National Park, forty-five thousand dollars; the sameto be expended by, and under the direction of the Qgmgugenivu Secretary of War: Provided, That fifteen thousand dollars of this ' amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary may be expended, in the discretion of the Secretary of War-, for the construction of a road from the Upper Geyser Basin to apoint on Snake River where it crosses _ the southern boundary of the park. C,§,*{;;f,”0$,“€_;*;‘§f;,,,g;'_'{ CHICKAMAUGA Asn CnA·r·rANooeA NATIONAL PARK: To enable Park- the Secretary of War to complete the establishment of the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park according to the terms of existing laws, including surveys, maps, models in relied the purchase of Orchard Knob and Sherman’s Earthworks, and for _ observation towers and the purchase of sites for two of them, one hunf_°]§f;;’g,,m,8_ dred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of War may lease the lands of the park at his discretion, either to former owners or other persons, for agricultural purposes, the proceeds to be applied by the Secretary of War to the repairs of roads and the care D*¤*¤¤¤¤·¤¤¤*¤- of the park; and from this appropriation the Secretary of War is authorized to pay the disbursing officer of the War Department the sum of five hundred dollars for disbursing this and former appropriations for said Park. ,,el:1g‘{j,¤{;3mgx{ e·;;g¤- That the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy are hereby `authorized to deliver to the Commissioners of the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, at the park, such number of O