Frr*rY.sn00ND corrennss. srss. 1. cn. eso. 1892. . 377 condemned cannon and cannon balls as their judgment may approve, for the purpose of their work of indimtion and marking locations on the battlefields of Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain. Enemnnn Dnrunrrmnr. mgzinwr Donut For continuing improvement of harbor at Philadelphia Pennsylva- H"**°"- nia: Continuing improvement removal of Smith’s Island and Wind PmM°lPm'°’ Pt mill Island, Pennsylvania, and Petty’s Island, New Jersey, and adjacent shoals, forty-one thousand dollars. For improving harbor at Baltimore, Maryland: Completing improve- B¤1•¤i¤¤<>r•. Md. ment, two hundred and eight thou and dollars. ‘ For improving harbor at Galveston, Texas: Continuing improve- Gnlveswu, Tex. ment to entrance tpqharbor, four hundreél andlgtty thrzarlsandldpllars. H; In For improving ay ake Channe aint ary s 'ver 'chi : .n Z ¤l¤e¤¤¤l. Continuing improvement, one hundred and nfteen thousand dollargim inncrgmw R""' Nyrronrn Onrmrnnms. N•¤¤¤¤1¤•¤¤¢m¤» For national cemeteries: For maintaining and improving nations.] *‘“*”*°°¤¤°°·¤*°~ cemeteries, including fuel for superintendents of national cemeteries, pay of laborers and other employees, purchase of tools and materials, one hundred thousand dollars. . For superintendents of national cemeteries: For pay of seventy-five sqnlmmama. superintendents of national cemeteries, sixty-one thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. Hnmsronns Fon GRAVES OF SOLD ¤¤~=·= : For continuing the work H•e·i¤¤·¤¤ turmof furnishing headstones for unmarked graves of Union soldiers, sailors, '"‘” g"'""' and marines in national, post, city, town, and village cemeteries, naval cemeteries at navy yards an stations of the United States, and other burial places, under the acts of March third, eighteen hundred and sev- 701.17,]:.545. enty-three, and February third, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, ten VM- 20. p. 281. thousand dollars. Rnrumrue nornwsrs T0 NATIONAL onmnmnmsz For repairs to mmwsys. roadways to national cemeteries which have been constructed by special authority of Congress, ten thousand dollars. _ Brmur. on INDIGENT Sonnmnsz For expenses of burying in the neun or asm, Arlington National Cemetery, or in the cemeteries of the District of '°"”°"· Columbia, indigent ex-Union soldiers, sailors, and marines of the late civil war who die in the District of Columbia, to be disbursed by the Secretary of War, at a cost not exceeding fifty dollars for such burial expenses in each case, exclusive of cost of grave, one thousand five hundred dollars. Bom ro Nnrromu. Cmmrnur, Pmrsrmo or SAN Fruncrsco, Bud to rama, Cnnonnmz For continuing the work of improving the reservation °‘"‘ at the Presidio of San Francisco, California, by developing and perfecting the water supply, the reclaiming of sand dunes, the planting of trees and shmbs, and construction of new roads, the erection of a permanent fence or wall on the south and east lines of the reservation, the erection of permanent gate-ways, the reclamation of the marsh and other general and much needed improvements, ten thousand dollars BATTLE FIELD OF ANTIETAM: For the purpose of surveying, locat- h{L¤¤i¤¤¤¤ bmw ing, and preserving the lines of battle of the Army of the Potomac and of the Army of Northern Virginia at Antietam, and for marking the same, and for locating and marking the positions of each of the forty- three dilfereut commands of the regular Army engaged in the battle of Antietam, and for the purchase of sites for tablets for the marking of such position, as follows: _ For cost of one hundred and fourteen tablets, transporting and set- T•¤>1¤¤.•¤=. ting up of same, purchase of one hundred and fourteen sites for tablets, salaries of board, including office rent, hire of vehicles, mileage, and