378 _ FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 380. 1892. for condemnation of land and acquiring title for same, in all, sixteen §r¤ji·¤· thousand three hundred and ten dollars: Provided, That in acquiring 'land for the sites for tablets on the battle iield, the Secretary of War V¤>1-26.n¤v¤- is authorized to proceed in accordance with act approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one making appropriations for Sundry l Civil expenses under title “Chickamauga and Chattanooga·National Park?
SURVEY or 1¢01u·¤E1:N AND NORTH WESTEBN LAKES: For printing
"' and issuing charts for use gg Eayigators and eleetrotyping plates for chart printing two thousa dollars. For surveys, additions to and correcting engraved plates, five thousand dollars. m1‘r•¤¤r·>¤i¤s ¤•P¤· TRANSPORTATION or REPOBTSAND Mars T0 FOREIGN COUNTRIES: ' For the transportation of reports and maps to foreign countries, through . the Smithsonian Institution, one hundred dollars. A¤’¤*°***“¤l*•· °*°· Arwzrrrcur. Lums: For furnishing artificial limbs and apparatus, or commutation therefor, and necessary transportation to be disbursed gndepl the digestion of the Secretary of War, one hundred and seventy- ve thousand o . . jgma M Mr Arrnuncns ron nrsannnn SOLDIERS: For furnishing surgical appliances to persons disabled in the military or naval service of the United Statues, and not entitleldd tloaartificial limbs or trusses for the ` same disa'tie two thonsan o rs. ¤L1’¤1gva1·=¤¤· ¤¤·ri· Surronr Axmslitnnrcrrr Tnmrmnnr on Dnsrrrurn Prrmnrs: For supipi-n ot emium the support and medical treatment of ninety-five medical and surgical P·"°”“· patients who are destitute, in the city of Washington, under a contract tgbe made with gale Providenlegr Hospital by the Surgeon-General of the rmy, nineteen ousand do s. Keanu Iemrxial GA:1u¤·1ELo Mmuorzur. _H0s1>ITAL: For maintenance, to enable it to l_,m,,¤,,°"*“'*_ prlovrde meidlrneal an(;l£)irgrcal treatment to persons unable to pay there , fifteen usan . Iilituryconvicts. _ EXPENSES OF MILITARY CONVICTS: For payment of costs and charges of State penitentiaries, for the care, clothing, maintenance, apd medical attendgnce of United States military convicts conilned in t em, five thonsan dollars. 0§cig\ ,.,0.,,,;,,w,, PUBLICATION OF OFFICIAL Rrzcorms or rms Wm OF THE RE- °*(gl;;t§_fb?m¤éhH“_ BELLIONZ For continuing the publication of the Official Records of um. mu) the Union and Confederate Armies, including the atlas of maps and plans, in accordance with the plan approved by the Secretary of War, sum may M August third, eighteen hundred and eighty, the printing and binding c,,,,g,,,§’,_ `“°° of five hundred copies thereof for the use of Senators, Members, and Delegates of the I· ifty-sec0nd Congress, to be printed and bound under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing, and for the compen- €iri¤=¤¤l»<>¤·1- sation of the civilian members of the board of publication, appointed V°‘·25- ¥’· °"°- in accordance with the act of March second, eighteen hundred and ei ghtymine, and for the compensation of such temporary expert services in connection with the preparation, publication and distribution of said records as maybe deemed necessary by the Secretary of War, such experts to be selected and appointed by the Secretary of War, from time to time, as the necessity therefor arises, and for the purchase of stationery and for additional rent, not exceeding one thousand eight hundred dollars, two hundred and thirty-tlve thousand dollars. Reprintof nm live The Secretary of War is hereby directed to ascertain what number }`§{j{“‘°“ "’ °°"‘*”“'“ of copies of the iirst five volumes of the Rebellion Record is required to complete sets of this series in the possession of libraries or persons supplied with subsequent volumes under existing provisions of law, whether such distribution has been through the War Department or otherwise; and the Public Printer is authorized and directed to furnish upon the requisition of the Secretary of War, the number of copies of each volume required for this purpose, which shall be used exclusively
f by the Secretary of War for completing such sets: Provided, the same
,,,;,,,,,,,§’§§{‘“° ° “’ can be done without any increase of appropriations.