398 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rus. 19-21. 1892. remain unprovided for on the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and ninety-two be, and they are hereby, continued and made available {,·;f‘_~· m for a period of fifteen days hom and after that date, unless the regular P` appropriations provided therefor in bills now pending in Congress shall have been_ previously made for the service of the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three; and a sufficient amount is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury p,...;,,,, not otherwise appropriated, to carry on the same: Provided, That "fj;gg°***°¤¤°° no greater amount shall be expended for such operations than will be ' in the same proportion to the appropriations for the itiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-two, as fifteen days’ time bears to the whole of said fiscal year: Provided, further, That the total expenditures for the nu sxpmasmcs whole of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-three under
"'*“‘ *1* the several appropriations hereby continued, shall not exceed in the
aggregate the amounts iinally appropriated therefor in the several bills now pending, except in cases where a. change is made in the annual, monthly, or per diem compensation, or in the numbers of officers, clerks, or other persons authorized to be employed by the several appropriations hereby continued in which cases the amounts authorized to be expended shall equal iiiiteen three hundred and sixty-fifths of the appropriations for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-two, and three hundred and nfty three hundred and sixty-fifths of the appropriations contained in the several bills now pending when the same shall have been finally passed, unless the salary or compensation of any office shall be increased or diminished without changing the grade or the duties · thereot, in which case such salary or compensation shall relate to the entire iiscal year and run from the beginning thereotl Approved, June 30, 1892. J¤l!1$»1$*— _ [No..20.] Joint resolution to continue the provisions of a Joint Resolution "“"`_`"‘"" approved June thirtieth, eightecn hundred and' ninety-two, entitled a “Joint Resolution to provide tomporarig for the expenditures of the Government." Resolved by the Senate cmd Home of Representatives of the United
;§£·m¤· States of America in Congress assembled, That the provisions of a joint
Y resolution entitled a “Joint Resolution to provide temporarily for the """“* expenditures of the Government/’ approved June thirtieth, eighteen
- `°"· P· ‘°r hundred and ninety-two, be, and the same are hereby, extended and
continued in full force and etfect to and including the thirtieth day of July, eighteen hundred and ninety-two. Approved July 15, 1892. J"}? {°· m°2;___ [No. 21.] Joint resolution to authorize the President to invite certain governments to send delegates to the Pau-American Medical Congress. , Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United c§“gI,;j£,;‘,j;;f“" “‘**" States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the Fmm govern United States be, and he is hereby, authorized and requested to invite ments ammo it mu the several governments of the Republics of Mexico, Central and South “"""""· America, Haiti, and Santo Domingo, and the Kingdom of Hawaii to send official delegates to the meeting of the Pau·American Medical Congress to be held in the city of Waslnington September fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth, anno Domini eighteen hundred and ninety-three. Approved, July 18, 1892.