FIFTYSECON D CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 136, 137. 1893. 461 Wnrnnvnmr Ansnmu., Wnsr Tuor, Nnw Yonx: For paving the {,“5t<·¤¤¤¤*-·¤¤<>¤¤l- highway to the extent of the arsenal frontage at the Watervliet Arse— °""g` nal, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars; For electric-lighting plant, including a new turbine station for driv- meeme pim. ing dynamos, twenty-nve thousand dollars. For the following, to be expended imder the direct supervision of emu of oeaeeme the Board of Ordnance and Fortiiication, created by the fortifications 'md *`°"·*“°°*i°¤· appropriation act approved September twenty-second, eighteen hun- V°l·25— P··*8°- dred and eighty-eight, and in the manner prescribed by said act, namely: BOARD or Onnnnncn Ann Fonrrnrcnrrionz To enable the Board Purchases. mn. to make all needful and proper purchases, experiments, and tests to ascer— °t°‘ tain, with a view to their utilization by the Government, the most eifective guns, small arms, cartridges, projectiles, fuses, explosives, torpedoes, armor plates, and other implements, and engines of war, and to purchase or cause to be manufactured, under authority of the Secretary of War, such guns, carriages, Armor plates, and other wax; materials and arti— cles as may, in the judgment of the Board, be necessary in the proper discharge of the duty devolved upon it by the act approved Septem— V¤1-%.1>·48¤- ber twenty-second, eighteen hundred and eightyeight; to pay the salaries of the civilian members of the Board of Ordnance and Fortiiica- C*"”*°¤ ¤*°'¤*>°'°· tion, and for the necessary traveling expenses of said members when E¤P¤¤¤°¤- traveling on duty; for payment of the necessary expenses of the Board, including a per diem allowance to each officer detailed to serve thereon, when employed on duty away from his permanent station, of two dollars and fifty cents a day; and for the test of experimental guns and carriages procured in accordance with the recommendations of the Board of Ordnance and Fortiiication, one hundred and twenty-tive thousand dollars; _ Provided, That hereafter no person shall be a member of or serve on Qgfgmm mm said Board who has been or is in any manner interested in any inven- terosted in device, tion, device, or patent which, or anything similar to which, has been °""··*’°‘°'° B°'“‘*· considered or may be considered by or come before said Board for test or adoption; or who is connected with or in the employ of any manufacturer who has or shall have contracts with the United States for any ordnance materials. That all material purchased under the foregoing provisions of this Afj;;;°fj;°°Sl{,*;l1‘*j1‘}a‘;{ act shall be of American manufacture, except in cases when, in the ture. _ judgment of the Secretary of War, it is to the manifest interest of the E"`°"“°“‘ United States to make purchases in limited quantities abroad, which material shall be admitted free of duty. Approved, February 18, 1893. CHAP. 137.-Aii not to incorporate the Eclectic Medical Society of the District February 18.1893. of Columbia. ‘ ‘*"* ‘"‘ "‘*‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That T. A. Bland, August P. Eclectic menace! Ligbthill, W. S. Bevier, Magnus L. Julihn, M. Cora Bland, J. A. Row- €‘§{,‘§f;{;.,_D“*"°° °’ land, and Marie Taylor, and their associates and successors. physicians, be, and they hereby are, made a corporation by the name of the Eclectic I¤¤·¤‘v·>¤*<··l- Medical Society of the District of Columbia, with all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the duties, liabilities, and restrictions set iorth in this act. Sec. 2. That the said corporation may hold real and personal estate P'°l'°’*Y· to the amount of twenty thousand dollars. $1%: 3. That the said Eclectic Medical Society is hereby empowered. B>‘·l¤W¤·¤¤· from time to time, to make such by-laws, rules, and regulations as they may find necessary, and do and perform such other things as may be