FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 210. 1893. 649 thirty-seven thousand six hundred and ninety-four dollars and twenty- eight cents. ` For balance of amount necessary for purchase of a site for the Long Siyv f¤rI·<>¤gBr¤¤¤b Branch life-saving service, four thousand and eighty-five dollars and mm""' forty-four cents: Provided, it shall be within the discretion of the Prvviw- Secretary of the Treasury to obtain title to the whole or a part of the Title in whole or premises which have been condemned. as the needs of the service may ‘”‘"‘ seem to him to require, at arate proportionate to the price iixed in the condemnation proceedings for the entire lot. UNDER SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. tumtbminn Insti- NATIONAL MUSEUM: For expenses of heating the United States Nniqnnl Museum- National Museum, two thousand dollars. H°“"“g‘ For continuing the preservation, exhibition, and increase of the col- u¥;_¤>¤¤pi¤s ¤<>¤•>¤- lection from the surveying and exploring expeditions of the Govern- ° °' ° °` ment, and from other sources, including salaries or compensation of all necessary employees, two thousand dollars. Im·EnNn·1oN1u. Exciuuen : For expenses of the system of inter- rnammmmi sxnational exchanges between the United States and foreign countries, °h""g°”·°‘°· under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, including alaries or compensation of all neccessary employees, five thousand dollars. FISH COMMISSION. rm. oemmmisn. For the introduction by the United States Fish Commission into and Masesnamou exthe increase in the waters of the United States of food-fishes and other ’°"°"“"’“· """ useful products of the waters, including lobsters, oysters, and other shellfish, and for such general and miscellaneous expenditures as the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries may find necessary to the prosecution of his work, including salaries or compensation of aH necessary employees, ten thousand dollars. For the maintenance of the vessels and steam launches of the Com- “fg¤;{:¢¤¤¤¢° 0* mf mission. and for boats, apparatus, machinery, and other tacilities re- ’ ` quired for use with the same, including salaries or compensation of all necessary civilian employees, twenty-five thousand dollars. And the act approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, re;. per cent mn. entitled “An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of “"1°""°“““‘“'—'°· the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun- Anv. r- 361- dred and ninety-three, and for other purposes,” providing for the available interchange of ten per centum of the appropriations made for the general expenses of the work of the United States Fish Commission shall also apply to the appropriations made for the general expenses of __Am>1i•=¤b¤¤ w vwsaid Commission for the fiscal years ending June thirtieth, eighteen "°"" "’°"”‘ hundred and ninety-one and eighteen hundred and ninety-two, respective y: FISH-HATCHEBY, TEXAS: For the completion of the fish cultural §`f£·‘***ggf’Yr T°*· station in Texas, authorized by the act approved August fifth, eighteen 'I" ` hundred and ninety-two, five thousand dollars. MINTS AND ASSAY OFFICES. Mm, ,,,.1 may officen. ASSAY OFFICE AT NEW YORK: For wages of workmen, two thou- mmY¤»k,N.¥. sand five hundred dollars. _ ASSAY OFFICE AT Borszz For incidental and contingent expenses, B¤i¤•. r1¤1¤•·- including labor, one thousand dollars. - ASSAY OFFICE AT C1=!ARLOT*rE: For incidental and contingent ex- c1m1¤m.x.c. peuses, meluding labor, five hundred dollars.