650 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. SEss. Il. Ch. 210. 189.3. P¤¤>1i¤¤¤i1<1i¤e¤- PUBLIC BUILDINGS. C-S·W°‘“’- For a ent to C. S. Waite for services as engineer in the United Payment w' Statesleoirrilnthouse and postofiice building at Lincoln, Nebraska, during the month of May, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, seventy-nve dollars. James naming. For paymeiit to James Manning for services as nreman in the United P°"“°"° t°‘ States courthouse and post-ofiice building at Lincoln, Nebraska, during the month of May, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, forty-two dollars and sixty cents. ‘ James B- Olivia-- That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized P°y'°°“t °°‘ and directed to pay to James B. Oliver, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, surety of the Pennsylvania Construction Company, the sum of eight thousand one hundred and forty-four dollars and eighty-eight cents, as payment in full for extra work done at the instance of the Government superintendent of the Government public buildings in thererection of said buildings in the said city of Pittsburg. Miscellaneous. TREASURY MISCELLANEOUS. ¤<·¤¤¤z¤¤¢¤==1>¤¤¤·>¤- CONTINGENT EXPENSES: To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for ¢< Contingent expenses, Treasury Department, nleholders and cases/’ two thousand dollars. To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for “contingent expenses, Treasury Department, stationery,” two thousand dollars. For the following appropriations for the contingent expenses of the Treasury Department: Stationery, fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety, fifteen dollars; Binding, newspapers, and so forth, fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety, one hundred dollars; · Binding, newspapers, and so forth, nscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, thirty-nine dollars and forty-five cents; Freight, telegrams, and so forth, fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety, forty-seven dollars and seventy-five cents; Freight, telegrams, and so forth, fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, fifty-two dollars and fifty cents; Furniture and so forth, fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety, thirty-two dollars and fifty cents; in all, two hundred and eighty-seven dollars and twenty cents; to enable the proper accounting officer of the Treasury Department to adjust the accounts of certain engineer officers of the Army for amounts improperly paid from appropriations for the Light-House Establishment, the same not to involve the further expenditure of money from the Treasury. m§e¤gt:i*¤ ¤f f¤¤=i- FURNITURE AND REPAIRS OF FURNITURE: For furniture and re- 'pairs of furniture, and carpets, for all public buildings, marine hospitals included, under the control of the Treasury Department, forty-flve thousand dollars. ¤£{·*°P·=¤<*¤¤° 'F¤>¤¤· INDEPENDENT TREASURY: For contingent expenses under the reconungentexpenm. quirements of section thirty-six hundred and fifty-three of the Revised R·S·· °"°·““”·P·""· Statutes of the United States, for the collection, safe-keeping, transfer, and disbursement of the public money, and for transportation of notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States, fifteen thousand dollars. F¤•»¤··=¤- FUEL, Lm-Hrs, AND WATEBZ For fuel, lights, water, electric-light plants, including repairs thereto, in such buildings as may be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury for electric light wiring, and miscellaneous items required by the janitors and firemen in the proper care of the buildings; furniture, and heating apparatus, exclusive of personal services, for all public buildings, marine hospitals included, un- {ler the control of the Treasury Department, one hundred thousand dollars.