FIFTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 355-359. 1892. 799 ivho served in the Florida. Seminole war of eighteen hundred and thirty- ,SlX, as private lll J. C. Blount’s company, Alabama regiment, and that the said Nathan Falkner be paid a pension under the pension laws at the rate of fifteen dollars per month. Approved, August 1, 1892. CHAP. 356.-An act granting a pension to Sarah A. Noble. __A¤E¤¤U· lm- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Secretary of the §‘§{,"§.§_ N°"1°‘ Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of Sarah A. Noble, mother of James Dunn, junior, late of Company D, Twenty-sixth Regiment of Iowa Volunteers. Approved, August 1, 1892. CHAP. 357.-An act granting an increase of pension to Addison M. Copen. A“E¤¤*>]- 1892 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United d _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the pension of Addison M. #mm&m` Copen, late of Company I, United States Dragoons, Mexican war, be in— creased to twenty dollars per month; and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the general pension laws, the name of said Copen, at the rate of twenty dollars per month, the same to be in lieu of all pensions heretofore granted to him. Approved, August 1, 1892. CHAP. 358.—An act to correct the military record of James Corridon, Fourth August 1, 189:. United States Infantry. *·· *"——·—· Be it enacted ln; the Senate and House of Represc¢itati·ves of the United Q;Q_::e;,°*¤_;*_y(:;_bl8 States of America in Congress assembled, That the military record of aascimgs. James Corridon be corrected, that the charge of desertion be removed, that his name be restored to the status of honorable service, and that P _. he be granted an honorable discharge: 1’r<wided, That no bounty, pay, N{f'{.['_$j.,t.,_ or allowances of any nature accrue lrom this act. Approved, August 1, 1892. CHAP. 359.-An act for the relief of Charles T. Gurrard. August 1. im. Bc it enacted by the Ncnutc mul House of Itqiresentati res of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War he, g;*:m§,T·,:;:;g;2{6 and he is hereby, authorized and directed to remove the charge of de- (risen..:.;... sertion appearing on the records of the Adjutant-( lcneral United States Army against Charles T. Gerrard, late quartcrmiister-sergeaiit Sixth regiment United States Cavalry, and that a certificate of honorable discharge as of Sixth regiment United States Cavalry be furnished said soldier, And no pay, arrearages or emoluments shall become due by 1¤>pay.m. virtue of the passage of this act. Approved, August 1, 1892.