970 coxvmrrieix-nnrunnrc or cnitn. or equivalent rates of compensa— tan equivalente cuanto fuere position, as near as may be, for like ble para los empleados de una u officers on the one side as on the otra parte. _ other. All other expenses, includ- Todos los demas gastos, incluing the compensation of the third yendo la remuneracion del_ tercer Commissioner, which latter shall Comisionado, la cual sera igual o be equal or equivalent to that of equivalente a la" de los otros Cothe other Commissioners shall be misionados, sera pagado por los defrayed by the two Governments dos Gobiernos por mitad. in equal moieties. _ _ “}’;gs“°’°*°¤ *"°*° The whole expenses of the Com- Todos los gastos de la Comision, ` mission, including contingent ex- incluyendo desembolsos imprevispenses, shall be defrayed by a rata- tos, seran pagados con una deducble deduction on the amount of the cion a prorrata del monto de las sums awarded by the Commis ion— sumas falladas por la Comision, ers, provided always that such de- con tal que dicha deduccion no duction shall not exceed the rate exceda la cuota del cinco por ciento of five per centum on the sum so de las sumas falladas. Si el valor awarded. If the whole expenses total de los gastos excediere esta shall exceed this rate, then the ex- cantidad, el exceso de gastos sera cess of expense shall be deirayed pagadojuntamente i por mitad por jointly by the two Governments in los dos Gobiernos. equal moieties. ARTICLE XI. Ancrfouro XI. ,,_§,°§,,'}1,,Z,,'Q,*{{-",j‘,,,{',§‘,'§", The High Contracting Parties Las Altas Partes Contratantes ¤¢·=- agree to consider the result of the convienen en considerar el resulproceedings of the Commission tado de los trabaios de la Comision provided for by this Convention as establecida por esta Convencion a full, perfect and iinal settlement como un arreglo completo, perfecto of any and every claim upon either i final de todos i de cada uno de Government within the description los reclamos contra uno i otro Goand true meaning of Articles I and bierno, dentro de la prescripcion i I I; and that every such claim, verdadera intelijencia de los artiwhether or not the same may have culos Ii II; i que cada reclamo, ya been presented to the notice ot, sea que se haya o no elevado a made, preferred or laid beibre the conocimiento, formulado, sometido said Commission, shall, from and isostenido ante la referida Comiafter the conclusion of the proceed- sion, sera desde la conclusion de ings of the said Commission, be los trabajos de la Comision, contreated and considered as tinally siderado i tenido como nnalmente settled, concluded and barred. resuelto, concluido i iiniquitado. Anrrcnm XII. Anricuro XII. ““°‘”°‘“°"· The present Convention shall be La presente Convencion sera ratiiied by the President of the ratiiieada por el Presidente de los United States, by and with the Estados Unidos, con el consejo i advice and consent of the Senate acuerdo del Senado, i por el Presithereof and by the President of dente de la Republica de Chile con the Republic of Chile, jvith the el consentimiento i aprobacion del consent and approbation of the Congreso de la misma i las ratiii- Congress of the same, and the rati- caciones seran canieadas en \Vashtications shall be exchanged at ington en el mas breve plazo posi- Vhshington, at as early a day as ble dentro de los seis meses contamay be possible within six months dos desde esta fecha. Si tu from the date hereof. g" '°‘· Intestlmony whereof the respec- En testimonio de lo cual los tive Plenipotentiaries have signed respectivos Plenipotenciarios han the present Convention, in the iirmado la presente Convencion en Enghsh and Spanish languages, los idiomas inglés i espanol, por